Jodha Akbar 18th June 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 18th June 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 18th June 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
Jodha comes to jalal. She looks so happy. She says Shahenshah, he says what happened Jodha begum ? She hugs him and says the decision you made, made me so happy. From where do you bring all these things ? Such beautiful thoughts ? I considered you my husband and Shaheneshah till now but now I wanna greet such a good man. Truly, the ones who could never be together, you made them one. You united Hindus and Muslims. After this Muslims will celebrate Diwwali with Hindus and Hindus will celebrate Eid with Muslims. There will be peace and live everywhere. It would have been so good if every ruler starts thinking about you. He says how is that possible. None of them has a wife like I have. She says no, You have done such a good thing. He says then I deserve a gift. I am your husband and your Shahenshah I will feel good if you call me by my name. Jodha says we Ranjiwanshi ladies does not call their husbands with names. he says what do they call them ? When their husband is not Shahenshah. She says you are teasing me. He says no I am saying truth. He says I would love it if you call me by my name. She hugs him and says I can never do that. Jalal smiles.

Scene 2
Jodha is in her room. A servant comes and asks you look worried ? She says no its not like that. She says can I help it ? Jodha says I am looking for some words int his book. she says its in Urdu should I read it for you ? Jodha says no need to read it. Just want some words. I learned it but forgot because I didn’t revise. She says okay then let me tell you. She asks what were you looking for ? Jodha says letter ‘a’. Servant says you mean ‘alif’ let me tell you. She writes it for her. Jodha says now the second letter is ‘k’, the servant writes ‘k’ in Urdu. Jodha says now ‘B’ she writes it in Urdu and smiles. She completes Akbar and says this is all you wanted ? Jodha says what have you written ? she says Akbar. This is what you wanted to write ? The name that people have given to Shahenshah. Now you should revise it. Jodha says thanks, no what is in Urdu, ‘shukriya’. Servant says that’s your generosity. She leaves. Jodha looks at Akbar written in Urdu. She smiles and hugs it. She starts practicing it.

Scene 3
Jalal is done with the prayer. Hamida is in his room. He says adab to her. Hamida kisses his forehead and says may God give you long life, Shahenshah Jalal Uddin Muhammad Akbar. He smiles and says I will be just jalal for you. People have given me the name of Akbar. Hamida says I am proud of you and all you ancestors must be too. I wish your dad was alive to see this day. He would have bee so proud to see people loving you so much. Jalal says this is all because of you. Hamida says when I held you first I prayed that you should be the greatest shahenshah ever. I wished that you could rule hearts instead of just land. Allah accepted my prayers. Jalal swipes her tears. He says you are happy there should be no tears in your eyes.

Jodha comes in the room. she says parnap to hamida. She says I didn’t know you were here ammi jaan. I will come later. Hamida says no I was about to go. She leaves. Jalal says this morning is so blessed indeed. Why you came ? Jodha says actually.. Jalal looks at the paper in her hand. He says whats in it. She says don’t see it right now. He opens it. Its Akbar written on it. She says I have practiced your name writing your name. Jalal says this is so good. Jodha says I just tried. He says you tried best. He says you rajwanshi’s are not allowed to says the name of your husband are you allowed to write it ? Jodha says yes we are. He says just wanna hear it once from you. Ruks also call me jalal. She says shsheneshah I told you we are not allowed to say our husband’s name. He says this is amazing when you hated me you used to call me jalal and when you love me you stopped saying my name. You know I can’t read. Can you read it out whats written on this paper ? Is it jalal ? She says no your other name. he says what shahenshah ? Jodha says not its Akbar the name the people gave you. Suddenly she realizes that she has said his name. Jalal is smiling. She says what have I said. he says thank God I heard it. She says you teased me again. he says what else could I do you never agree when I ask. they both smile.

Jodha says you know Akbar means, big, highest and I am proud that public gave this name to you. She asks what happened ? You look serious. He says I have to be. People have given me such a big responsibility. I have to be like the name they gave me. Jodha says you don’t have to prove anything. You are doing everything perfectly. He says not really, I can’t even be good at being a son. My dad’s wife my ammi jaan, I can’t help her. Jodha is there something ? You at least realize and you can do it. I know you will be successful. Jalal says I will find her but who know how will she be till then ? In what condition she would be in.

Scene 3
Maham comes to chand begum and asks do you recognize me ? She says no. Maham grunts tell me you did. She laughs and says my daughter how can I forget you. Maham says I am not your daughter. Chand begum says go away from here. I won’t give you my daughter, you are here to take her. Maham says you have to recognize everyone, me and yourself. You will remember everything. She goes out. Maham is covering her face with a shawl when she comes out. She sees a mark on the wall. she says it looks like some one marked to remember it. Has someone figured about this place.

Scene 4
Shreef says I don’t know what to do. The way jalal. is winning hearts of people is killing me. You want me you be patient. abul mali says yes be patient. He says I have been patient till now. I can’t do it anymore. I have to get whats mine. He says don’t worry you will get all that you want soon. sharif says till jalal is alive its not easy. The other one says you have beat a shahenshah not killing is only option. He laughs and abul mali I think the bruise has effected your brain. Jalal will lose. He says yes he will. This war will take everything from him. He says not me. Someone else whose army has spread all around. They will beat him. He says jalal is like a lion he can’t be defeated that easily. Abul mali says he has mind of the fox and speed of a leopard. Killing is his habit. There are nothing like mercy and peace in that heard. The one who can bring down jalal on knees. She is the step mother of jalal. Machuchak.

Some people are shown in icy area and a lady comes on a horse there with her face covered. A man is handing from legs. She comes down from her horse and move towards that man. She steps up. The hanging man says please forgive me. someone save me please. The lady says last wish of the dying person should be granting but you are asking for something that I don’t have. No forgiveness, no mercy. She takes out her sword. She says you ahev to leave the world without your wish being granted. She cuts his chest. he is screaming. He says please forgive me. She cuts his rope and says his death should be good so I can be happy. A man comes and cuts his neck. She takes off her cloth and laughs. She says Jalal will remember my name till the day of judgment.

Precap-Jalal says to jodha forgive me jodha begum. It was not my mistake. She says its was yours you sent brother in law. He says no I didn’t send him. He said I will go by myself and tell you how much I love you. Jodha smiles.

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    • angel
      June 19, 09:18

      hey ruchi
      how are you

  1. angel
    June 19, 08:08 Reply

    the show was almost enemy free today, surprisingly……wished it was free of enemies but what to do its reality, where there is good there will be bad……….

    every time they show jalal and his mom together i just have to laugh, she makes such a powerful badshaa look so tiny, lol…….jalal has to have his head upwards all the time just to get a glimpse of her lol 🙂 :)……….love her character doh, atleast the king had one good wife 🙂

  2. mahann
    June 19, 07:18 Reply

    Why Humayan chose to marry this cowgirl and she looks like great grand mother …I think she used to bit him or he was forced to marry her.

    May be she became evil because she wanted her son to become Emperor so that she can terrorize all Mughal Royal Family.

    • angel
      June 19, 08:09

      LOL :)…..

  3. masuma
    June 19, 05:10 Reply

    fistly i would like to wish happy anniversary to all jodha akbar fans:) todays episode was really lovely i loved it soo much 🙂 jalals step mom looks really scaryy…jalal n jodhas chemistry is da best i have ever seen i jst love dem… N to those who say dat der chemistry is not good then thts not true…@anu ur right der chemistry is da best of all.. As it is no 1 jodi so thts da prooof.. I miss ur comments alot anu i jst miss da old akdha gang..

    • angel
      June 19, 08:15

      Happy anniversary :)…….we’ve crossed a milestone and still kept our spark

  4. Pialy
    June 19, 03:06 Reply

    It was Ruk free episode
    I can’t stand to see Ruk arrogance cos she has clearly not felt an iota of shame or guilt. Feels Jalal is absolutely OK with what she did!

    Whatever about the vamps and villains just bring out Ruk’s truth in front of everybody so they get to see the real face of BEK!

    • mahann
      June 19, 03:35

      free from Ruks,I loved it

    • angel
      June 19, 07:42

      shehnaz free, too lol

  5. Pialy
    June 19, 02:58 Reply

    i love ja n jo’s chemistry..naturally beautiful..

  6. Pialy
    June 19, 02:57 Reply

    About the Jodha-Jalal hugs

    I want to say one last thing before my computer battery runs out totally! Many people have complained about how the hugs of Jodha and Jalal look very platonic and there is no chemistry at all. Whereas when Jalal hugs Ruq there is definitely more push and pull vigour in the hug!

    I have a theory here why this may be so. I think it’s the same nose ring type of factor. The nose ring is accepted by all of us as the thing that makes their mutual kissing impossible, so that Jodha has to kiss the air near his hand or face if any kiss is to be shown. In the same way I think that since both are of nearly the same height, it becomes difficult to show a hug where Jalal is seen slightly taller than Jodha.

    Each time they hug, Jodha has to lean against his shoulder with her head bent to reduce her height, and Jalal has to put one arm round her shoulder and face forward to the camera, also raising his face to look upwards to create the feeling that he is slightly taller than her. This awkwardness of their heights being equal makes it impossible for the director to make every hug look different, so we are ending up with just one repetitive camera angle formula for their hugs (ie. leaning on him style of hug with one arm of Jalal’s around her). Other angles of showing the hug may not be working out properly for the camera to create the illusion of relative heights being slightly different.

    This is my theory. Does anyone else have a better theory for why the hugs look so platonic?

    I don’t think Paridhi and Rajat are against hugs, they seem OK with them … so I am assuming it is something to do with the limitations on the camera angles that the director is facing! For the same reason a hug with Ruq looks more like a tight hug, because Ruq fits within Jalal’s frame, looks shorter than him and Jalal is able to use both his arms for the hug!

    I can only explain this much with my own limited understanding of hugs. I am however planning to d my PhD on Hugology and after that I will try to explain more fully using animated drawings and chemistry equations

    • gayathri
      June 19, 03:03

      @Pialy super analysis 😆 😉 😛

    • sanvi
      June 19, 03:07

      He pialy!!!!! According to u r analysis nosering s r d main obstacles
      Might be.some what I’l agree with u.

    • mahann
      June 19, 03:44

      may be,for me to understand your theory I have to do my Ordinary Diploma on Hugology…..!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Thanks anyway

    • mahann
      June 19, 03:54

      @Pialy body language and distance is an issue,from the chest to the legs,

    • mahann
      June 19, 04:00

      you can see the first hug today was much much better,
      slowly will get there.

    • sanvi
      June 19, 05:17

      @mahaan I burst oitto laughing after reading u r comment. Absolutely u r .correct.

    • mahann
      June 19, 06:42

      @Sanvi, thanks so much,

      you know what,I love the show so much,people friendly views make me think what to say without offending anybody.

      if you want to have a laugh like me as I do,just read comments after each episode,people are amazing here.

    • angel
      June 19, 08:27

      maybe its their similar height that is creating the distance in their hugs, i agree to an extent……..

  7. devya
    June 18, 19:11 Reply

    Poor jalall HAVE so much villains to deal with,his brothers-in-law are so much power drunk n obsessed. One is lustful over being the empir for the kingdom other want jodha,gosh!!!!! BOTH wants jalall most precious things.
    Neither of them have the abilities to achieve anything BETTER than being what they r presently,they should spend more time improving their well being than aiming to destroy jalall’ s happiness. Jalall is doing appropriate things to be liked by his people. He HAVE a golden heart. He doesn’t discriminate or show prejudice where religion is concerned,he becomes a people’s person who listen to all regardless of status religious beliefs. He is just an amazing actor. And jodha is supportive of him. Very simple personalities.

  8. Pani
    June 18, 18:52 Reply

    uhhhhh shouldn’t have said that Angel…lol! You will be yelled at here. Especially alluding to Jo uuuhhhh i tremble with apprehension for you… hahahaha
    I salute ur frankness in spite of the ‘risks’.

    • devya
      June 18, 23:08

      Pani,my dear I don’t know why others commentators should object to someone personal views and pounced ,
      I mean there is no law restricting anyone. The site is not own by any specific one. Instead we should be like a family-friendly group not condemning n criticising but just add up where another make a short fall. But u know what my dear ALL mentality r not the same. People may have compatibility on some aspects NOT all..I wish much differences don’t come about.

    • mahann
      June 19, 04:09

      I can see some effort on first hug today episode,
      I hope will get there,

      The body language is obstacle, the distance issue can be solved from the chest to the legs.

    • mahann
      June 19, 06:58

      @Sanvi,@Devya,@Pani, don`t kill me ,this is just my opinion,

      I think may be Jodhar BENDS HER BODY and place her head on Jalal`s chest when she hugs him so that she can feel his heart beats through ears.

      what do you think!!!!!

    • angel
      June 19, 07:59

      i’m ready for the risks pani, n thanks…….

      to those fans that are madly in love with JA n my comments have offended you somehow, i’m sorry, but i don’t see even a tiny spark between jodha and jalal, and no matter how much i love this show and appreciate its uniqueness, i can’t blindly say that everything is perfect, cuz nothing is perfect……..however, i did acknowledge the increased effort by jodha on the first hug, but then i realised we were back to square one on the second……….i’m sure well get that spark someday

      @mahaan i’ve been reading your comments whole day and i must say,lol i’ve been laughing the entire day…. keep it up

    • angel
      June 19, 08:12

      @mahann someone should tell her she’ll hear it better on the left side ……lol

    • mahann
      June 19, 10:59

      @angel, thanks so much.

      let`s see what is available on next episode.

  9. Being frank
    June 18, 15:47 Reply

    Today’s episode was much better. Love how people try and convince themselves that Ja Jo chemistry is the best LOL. But at least they said it being their opinion.

    • angel
      June 18, 16:01

      agree with you…….i didn’t find jodha and jalal chemistry to be the best, but i do see an increased effort from jodha (i believe the problem lies with her),i’m sure some persons will feel offended by this comment but thats my view 🙂

    • Pani
      June 18, 18:46

      lol! There goes @Being Frank just being frank and direct as always.

  10. Eshi
    June 18, 14:10 Reply

    Precap was fab luv u rt

    • angel
      June 18, 16:02

      yes it was……..can’t wait for tomorrow’s episode 🙂

  11. ruchi
    June 18, 14:01 Reply

    Haha that step mothers teeth r soo funnny

    • angel
      June 19, 08:28

      lol….even i felt so 🙂

  12. semi
    June 18, 13:39 Reply

    happy aniversary jodha Akbar episode was too good waiting for tomoorow episode

  13. Pialy
    June 18, 13:35 Reply

    My most fav moment zakira and jodha scene
    how sweetly she learns from bandhi its her good nature and will power to learn new things without hesitation from anyone no diff in jer eye
    beautiful scene
    and paridhi done that scene so beautifully

    • Jaya
      June 18, 14:21

      True, I agree with you but I also like the scene where she said his name <3 jalal can be so cute!

    • devya
      June 18, 18:59

      I agree TOO,nicely portrayed by jodha,I like her simplicity n humility,such a simple actress.
      I also like the way jalall got her to say Akbhar,nice episode not too much chemistry,but I THINK JODHA is getting there with time..her heart start growing fonder.

    • angel
      June 19, 08:32

      so true,it was a lovely scene, especially where jalal got jodha to say his name, and his question “what do they call them when their husbands are not shehensha?” was just superb

  14. Pialy
    June 18, 13:34 Reply

    Oh god let me first laugh is it only me or u guys also felt mahaC k entry mein dhoom1 ka music ta!LOLLOLLOL

    Precap : i cnt stop blushing aweee i cnt wait kal ka!
    They gave us a good episode on 1st anniversary!
    Congo guys we have officialy and accurately completed 1 year

    • aakanksha
      June 18, 13:44

      Ur right the music frm Dhoom reminded me of john on a bike…. Hilarious….

    • angel
      June 19, 08:34

      LOL… 🙂

  15. Pialy
    June 18, 13:31 Reply

    Jodha coming to share her pride on Jalal’s achievements … My favorite part of this scene was Jodha’s impatience and excitement to meet Jalal alone and speak to him … She did not even say the usual Pranam Shehenshah … She just couldn’t wait.

    Love how she recognized his greatness as a leader and in unifying the country …

    He tried to return the praise to her but she didn’t accept it … So, teda Jalal thought he might as well take advantage of the situation and asked for the gift of hearing his name.

    He continued to persist saying if a pati is not a “Shehenshah” what would Rajvanshi wives call their husbands … Jodha didn’t answer but I could imagine Jodha one day saying “aji sunte ho”, “Salim ke papa” and had a good laugh. LOL

    Jodha gave up and gave him the next best gift- a hug.

    Jodha the student: Loved Jodha in her student avatar … Trying to learn Urdu. Ever since her return to Agra, she has not only fully accepted Jalal but is now learning and accepting the tehzeeb of her in-laws. And it continued with language today.

    It was cute how she tried to give hints to Zakira on how she wanted to learn to write Akbar … Of course, it was so obvious, Zakira got the hint and taught her.

    Now, I know why they freed Zakira … To read and teach Urdu … First, the letter on Chaand Begum and now this LOL

    And of course, the icing on the cake, was the “Ishq hai ehsaas” while she wrote his name … After leps, this is the new form of showing love it seems. LOL

    I also liked Hamida Bano’s understanding smile when Jodha arrived … So we could get the next cute scene …

    Teda Jalal hears his name from Jodha: Loved teda Jalal in this scene , when he feigned ignorance on what Jodha wrote and finally got his name out. I loved a few things in this scene:
    – Jalal referring to how Jodha used to say his name when she hated him
    – The smile on his face when he turned his back to Jodha and came up with his trcik to get her to say her name of not knowing what she had written
    – His happiness at hearing his name

    That is why I always say “teda hai par mera hai” is the perfect tag line for Jalal. LOL

    The thing I loved best was he shifted the praise and name Akbar to the fact that now he wanted to work harder … Interestingly, Chaand Begum was his top priority.

    I just can’t believe how Humayan chose to marry her … I wonder what she was like in her younger days. lol

    And what I can’t believe even more is that Hakim Mirza is her son , who is a love guru, forgives Shivani as easy as can be, and carries love messages between Jodha and Jalal as per the precap. LOL

    • angel
      June 18, 15:57

      lol that is true ……it is hard to believe that mirza and mahachchak are biologically related

  16. pani
    June 18, 13:28 Reply

    First of I think the fact that jo initiated the hugs is good progress in shaking off the slight stiffness.
    Then someone pls escort Mali to a hairdresser! What the heck is up with his hairdo?
    I love this episode minus the monotonous maham scenes. New villian don’t scare me at all Jalal is gonna beat the evil outta her.
    Writers stop making Ja a cry baby always lamenting. He is a STRONG king. Not one always fishing pity with self belittling speeches.
    Nevertheless thank u writers for the extensive jo ja scenes.

    • mahann
      June 18, 17:19

      agree with you,Jalal is an Emperor.

    • angel
      June 19, 08:23

      i think they’ve made him a little bit too emotional……mali needs a good lesson, you would think after losing an eye the guy would get some sense that he’s no match for the king,but he’s filled with so much hate he can’t even think straight…….

      jalal if you’re having double thoughts on punishing your brothers-in law plz visit this page, i’m sure there a re many persons on this page (including myself) that will be willing to deal with them……….

  17. sanvi
    June 18, 13:21 Reply

    So Jalal have to deal those ensembled villains.
    I have to agree with’s have to wipe 2 r 3 enemies now.

  18. Alina
    June 18, 13:19 Reply

    I must say Machuchak is soooo scary….
    I was sooooo scared me and I changed my channel

  19. Anna
    June 18, 12:49 Reply

    Beautiful episode 1st half of it till the villain came. Jo initiated the hugs was very happy to c that. This 1st hug of Jo (I think) was very much expected for so long. The leaning on his shoulders was like a child like n cute. He was longing to hear her say his name n she refused. Ja tricked her into saying his name and their expression was well done on that. Her explaination of the meaning of Akbar was good to listen. Think if Ja not a Shenshah she would have him JI I guess. Why don’t he cal her Jo instead of Jodha begum.

    Thought HB came to congratulate him and finally will end the convo by asking him about the little Ja’s arrival…. I think it’s time they should show more more comfortable relationship i.e being in the same room. Leaning of each one shoulders (embracing) when they r alone to enjoy their company together. Still the SR morning was very beautiful, hoping to c such scene more because it add more meaning to their relationship n realistic of huby & wify.
    A lot more expectation on this by many fans. Make it sweet to c yet should show the intimacy/closeness between them being together without hesitation.

    From what I can c is that all the villain are intertwine. They have their link to each other one way or another. Just want to c how it unfolds.

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