Kalash 26th October 2016 Written Update

Kalash 26th October 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 26th October 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Nivi says Manju you did it? She says yes i did it, all are shocked, Manju says i did right, more bad should happen with you, Nivi says how dare you, i did so much for you, Manju says talk in hindi then i will answer you, Ravi shouts to stop it, all guests here. He requst guests to leave. He says to Janki that you are part of family so you have right to stay, Janki says okay but i want to talk to Ambika, she takes Ambika from there, Nivi and Manju are staring each other.
Saket brings Shweta to room and says you destroyed life of your own brother? why did you do it? you knew i love her, she is my life but why did you do it? you did it for money right? Shweta says yes i did it, you are worst brother, you insult and challenge my husband, for me most important is my husband, ambika is right,
you are worst person ever, Saket grabs her neck and says yes i am, i am leaving your husband alive because you are my sister. Vikas comes there and pushes Saket away from Shweta, he says how dare you raise hand on my wife? Saket says she is my sister too, Vikas says who are you? you keep talking about your goons but you are useless, i feel like killing you, Saket pushes him and says dont you cross limit, come and hit me, Vikas says you want me to hit you? he takes knife and says should i hit you now?
Devika says to janki that you shocked me too, you know what to do on what time, you have brought Manju and Shweta’s truth out, Nivi and Saket were have their blood boiled, Ravi wont even thought of that in his dreams, when video started, i knew you planned it, this video was must to be played, i knew Nivi was planning something against me but after seeing that video, she wont be able to focus on me, PRECAP,, Devika says now we have to see who wins this fight between them, Janki says we should go and see what is going on, Devika says should we go? isnt it about their privacy? Janki says they are wrong people, and there is nothing wrong to watch evil people fighting, lets go and heal your wounds.
vikas asks Saket to speak now, Saket says to Shweta that you have forgotten me because of this mad man, he says to Vikas that from now on i am forgetting my relation with you, you are like your brother Ravi dog for me, you dont even know what i am going to do with you, this was your last chance, he leaves, Shweta takes knife from Vikas.
Manju says to Nivi that yes i did it and i am very happy about it, Nivi says why? Manju says you have nothing to give us now, Devika and Janki comes there too, Manju says Ravi doesnt even like you, he was forced to marry you, he was compromising as i asked him to marry you, he was sacrificing for me but now that you are on roads so i am not mad to sacrifice my son, Nivi says you are greedy and have cheap thinking, Manju says you are most selfish person in world, you made me go against Devika, i have learned all this from you, i chose Ambika as my daughter in law, if i have to get my son married for money and power then why not choose good one? she is way better than you, she is not mad like you, i am thankful that we didnt get destroyed, you were good with us because you wanted to marry Ravi then after marriage, you would have made us your slave, i have just answered you, Ambika snatched your house and fate gave Ravi to her too, you should get cheated, you never left anyone, you cheated Ravi, Devika, me and your family too, its not bad to cheat a cheater, Nivi shouts shut up, she is about to slap Manju but Ravi stops her and says how dare you raise hand on my mother? Nivi says what should i do then? she knew how much i love you but she did cheap act of swapping brides, she snatched you from me, my everything, if you respect me a little, if you took me as something for a moment then break all your relations with your mother, Ravi shouts if she has gone mad? she is my mother, mother, you said so easily to break relation, dont say it again, Nivi says i break all relations with her, i wont let her stay in my house for a second, Manju says your house? this is house of my daughter in law Ambika, infact i can throw you out, Nivi says have you forgotten how much i have done for you? Manju says what? Ravi says shut up, he says Manju is my mother and you are my friend Nivi and this relation will never end but the one who was cheated most in all this, she is silent and not saying anything because she knows we cant change anything, all are worried about themselves but nobody is caring about me and her, i dont even know what our relation will be in future, but no, enough is enough, i am going to talk to Janki then we will decide anything. he leaves from there.

Scene 2
Shweta comes to Vikas and says you know you have become my super hero, this day is special, Vikas says i got scared too, i made Saket scared with knife but i didnt know if i could use knife on him, Shweta says i saw anger in your eyes, Vikas says you trust me that i would never let anything wrong happen with you? Shweta says i trust you and proud of you, he says what about love? she says more than myself, he kisses her forehead and says i fell in love with you seeing you first time and i waited for you to love me, you have given me happiness of world now, i dont need anything, i just request you to never change this love, my heart will break, Shweta says nobody can curse our love, no wife can love her husband more than me.
Ravi comes to janki and Devika and says i am sorry for all that happened, my mother did mistake, we cant rectify it but its important for me to know what you want? whats your decision? you accepted our relation before but now truth is out, after knowing that, you want our relation to remain intact? Janki says i have only one answer, she takes Devika’s hand and put in Ravi’s hand, Devika is surprised, she says whatever happened, whoever did it but truth cant change and truth for me that you both got married with all rituals, i gave you both permission of this wedding, this relation is important for me and i would want you both to remain together but yes all misunderstandings should get cleared, you should not do any mistake which will put cracks in your marriage, my duaghter is starting her new life so i dont want her to bear anger of anyone, she should not be stressed, i want her to be happy always. Nivi sees all this from outside, she sees Ravi holding Devika’s hand.
Nivi comes to her room, she sees Saket there and asks what he is doing here? Saket says i was waiting for you, where were you? Nivi says leave me alone, Saket says i know what you ar going through, Nivi has tears in her eyes, Saket says my own sister back stabbed me, i wont forgive anyone, Nivi says i wont spare Manju, i will punish her in such a way that even if she ask forgiveness on her feet even then i will throw her out of my house, but i cant do anything rightnow, i am helpless, Saket says i am with you, i never cheated anyone, i will never cheat you. Ambika has drank intoxicating drink and she can do anything, i want you to go to their room and check that nothing should happen between them, i cant stay here but you have to make sure that nothing happens between them, she says focourse. Ravi comes there and says i want to talk to Nivi alone, Saket leaves. Ravi says Nivi, i talked to Janki and she said that she doesnt have any problem with this relation, i mean after knowing truth, she still wants Ambika and my relation, we cant change much, this marriage has happened and it will be good if you accept it, he leaves. Nivi says i accept this wedding? never, ever, i wont spare anyone, all cheated me, i will destroy everyone.

PRECAP- Janki says to Devika that i know even after everything happening, you still love Ravi, he is your love and life parter and this is magic of your love only that you both are in married relation again.

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