Kasam 26th October 2016 Written Update

Kasam 26th October 2016 Written Update by Sona

Kasam 26th October 2016 Written Episode

Rishi watches Tanuja leave the washroom.
The next morning, Ahana runs behind Chintu to check the clothes. Manpreet holds Chintu for her. Smiley was worried that the beautician isn’t coming over. Rano hurries everyone to get ready. Rishi looks at the preparations from upstairs, thinking why he got stuck with all this, he is better in his own room. He turns to go inside and watch Tanuja correcting the curtains when all at once her head bangs badly recalling Tannu’s murder scene. Rishi comes to hold her, they share an eye lock. Rishi explains she was falling down so he came to hold her. He then asks why she climbed this stair, she could have called a servant. Tanuja says she saw some kind of dream, Rishi wonders if she came from some other planet that she dreams while awake? Tanuja replies it’s
not a dream, he won’t understand. He was silent at once, Tanuja thanks him for saving her. Malaika enters the room then, saying she has been looking for him since night. Rishi questions why she has been looking for him? Malaika informs Rishi she is going to parlor, and asks him to get ready well. Tanuja turns to leave, Malaika asks if she can’t watch them together, out of her shyness and tells Tanuja to go and get ready as well. Tanuja says she will get ready at home as well. Rishi was lost in some thought and agrees Tanuja. They leave.
In the kitchen, Ahana holds a hot pan. Tanuja comes to help her, both scream of burning their hands then laugh hysterically. Ahana compliments Tanuja to be a nice girl and sends her with tea for Raaj.
In the room, Rano was trying to select a dress. Tanuja comes asking if Raaj isn’t here. Rano replies she sent him to get flowers, as flower man brought some burnt flowers. Rano takes a sip from the tea and asks if Tanuja made it. Tanuja says no. Rano says this is really nice one, then asks her to call Raaj to hurry up. Tanuja calls Raaj to hurry up, Raaj assures they are reaching soon and demands a tea from her. He gets in the car while he watches Malaika arrive at a restaurant in front, he wonders what Malaika is doing here. He follows her inside to a room. Malaika asks about room 105, Raaj comes upstairs behind him. The young man drags Malaika inside the room where they hug, Malaika wasn’t ready to let him go away so easily. The young man removes his hood, and gets intimate with Malaika. He was in awe that Rishi’s wife to be has come to this hotel to meet him, he would celebrate wedding night with Rishi’s wife to be. They laugh. Raaj hears this from outside the door and was enraged. Malaika lay with the young man saying Rano made this all possible, and he is really lucky to be with Rishi’s wife to be.
At home, the wedding preparations were complete. Bee ji comes to Rano to ask about Raaj. Rano goes to call him. Pandit calls the groom downstairs, Rano sends Ahana to bring Rishi. Raaj comes home and looks around, then calls Rano towards himself. He says he wants to speak to her about something important, Rano sends Divia to see Malaika. Tanuja was on stairs, she calls Malaika to ask where she is when Raaj was climbing the stairs. Tanuja asks if he needs tea, Raaj was tensed. Divia comes to ask Tanuja about Malaika, Tanuja says Malaika must be driving as she didn’t pick up the call. Raaj goes upstairs. Tanuja follows him upstairs.
Pandit calls the bride and groom. Rano sends Smiley to look for Rishi. In the room, Raaj asks Tanuja if she loves Rishi, as he know what’s in her mind. Tanuja says they promised not to discuss about it, its Rishi’s wedding tonight. Raaj says Tanuja has already done a lot for this house, she has to give another sacrifice. He know Tanuja loves and respect Rishi, and marry him.

PRECAP: Rishi removes the veil for sindoor and was shocked to see Tanuja.

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  1. joanzik
    October 26, 15:42 Reply

    wow…… this is a wonderful episode. i really hope Rishi will apply the sindoor on Tanuji because Malika does not deserve Him.

    • aniha
      October 27, 04:05

      right malaika did’nt deserve

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