Kumkum Bhagya 12th December 2022 Written Update

Kumkum Bhagya 12th December 2022 Written Update by H Hasan

Kumkum Bhagya 12th December 2022 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Vikram telling Ranbir that there is a dosh in his kundali. Ranbir says dosh is in my family, you used to love me in childhood, which you don’t do now so I do this for your love and attention. Pallavi hits him slightly. Ranbir says mark has come on my hand. Pallavi says I hit lightly. Vikram says there is no mark. Ranbir says he is blind in love and asks Shahana to say. Pallavi says Shahana will lie. Dida says mark came on Ranbir’s hand and asks Pallavi to control her hand. Vikram asks Ranbir to join gym after coming from hospital and teases Pallavi. Ranbir says he likes his crack pot family. Doctor comes there and asks them to go out, and let Ranbir rest. Dida says just 2 mins. Doctor says you have seen him fine and asks them to go to waiting room. Pallavi says take care of Ranbir, you have saved my son and I can’t thank you enough for that. Doctor asks her to thank Prachi.

He says whatever she did today, I have never seen it before and if I have heard then didn’t believe it. He says he is hesitant to say this, but actually when Prachi held Ranbir’s hand then his heart beat started. He says before that, actually bringing him here, hospitalizing him is an eye opener. He says if it was even a bit late, then we wouldn’t have saved him. He says now he believes that there is no power in anything than love. He asks them to go. Everyone leaves. Doctor asks Ranbir what is he thinking? Ranbir says he is thinking that he is very lucky to have her. Prachi comes to the ward. Vikram asks why she is lookning upset. Prachi recalls Rhea’s argument with her and says she is just tired. Vikram asks her to rest. Prachi says I will give the medicine. Pallavi asks her to go. Prachi goes inside and gives medicine to the doctor. Pallavi thinks where is Rhea? Prachi asks Ranbir why is he smiling and asks him to look somewhere else and not her. Ranbir turns his face and asks what is your problem? Prachi asks why did you turn your face? She says come home, then I will show. Doctor asks if they are newly married and says arguments happens. Ranbir says this happens with us. Pallavi thinks she always thought her wrong and thinks Rhea was mad to meet him, and when she could meet him, don’t know where she went. Doctor asks Prachi to go outside. Pallavi comes inside and asks him to let her be here. She says Ranbir will be safe if Prachi stays with him. Doctor says Nurses are there to take care of him. Pallavi says Nurses have many patients, but Prachi has just one. Doctor says true, Ranbir will have Prachi’s love with him. Pallavi thinks very soon Prachi will marry Sid. She asks Prachi to be with Ranbir, until he gets fine and says when he gets fine then she will say that he is fine because of her.

Pallavi comes out. Vikram says I love you and can’t live without you. He says I used to say this always, but today he wants to say that he is proud of her. Pallavi says I don’t understand? Vikram says when you do something with someone and it is feel good feeling. Pallavi says I don’t know what you are saying? Vikram says I know when someone praises you, then you get uncomfortable. She says don’t say it and goes. He says she is a good wife and a best mother.

Ranbir asks Prachi what magic she has done on Mummy. Prachi says she doesn’t know magic. Ranbir says when I was shot, was you scared. He says I like to see your concerned for me. He asks what you was doing there with Sid. She recalls Sid’s words. Ranbir asks her to answer. Prachi says you are in hospital, after getting discharged, get freshen up and says your hair is like Kroor Singh. He asks her not to fool him like kids. Prachi says she can’t answer. Ranbir asks her not to stand there and leave. She says Mummy asked me to take care of you. Ranbir asks her to leave and says he will call Nurse. Prachi says I am your wife and nobody will take care of you like me. Nurse comes there. Ranbir asks why you came late, if I had died. Nurse checks the syringe. Vikram comes to Pallavi and says you did second right thing by giving Ranbir’s responsibility to Prachi. Pallavi asks what is first one? Vikram says marriage with me. Pallavi says second one is right. Vikram says you are right and says Newton’s third law, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. He says you are a bit different, your reactions are equal and not opposite. He says you show anger on her and show love too by giving her responsibility. He says nobody can take care of Ranbir better than Prachi. Pallavi says someone else can take better care of Ranbir, and says Prachi has done mistakes earlier too. She says giving her responsibility is reward to her, and says I am not bad. Vikram says Prachi is good for Ranbir and you know it.

Rhea and Aaliya hear them. Rhea says I guess Prachi has a new fan. She asks Pallavi why did she give a big responsibility to Prachi, Ranbir’s care. Pallavi says I don’t want to talk to her, she is angry with her. Rhea says didn’t you hear that Ranbir wanted to meet Prachi and don’t care for me. Pallavi asks if your love will decrease? Rhea says he doesn’t know how eagerly I am waiting to meet him. Pallavi says have you sent him bouquet and greetings, we all went to meet him after Prachi. She says sometimes I feel that your love and concern is too fake. Rhea is shocked and says Ranbir…Pallavi asks her to stop excuses and says if you love him a bit, then take care of him. She says Doctor asked us to be outside, Prachi is taking care of him and you…She goes. Aaliya says not a good sign, Pallavi’s language is against you, we have to make a back up plan. She looks inside the ward and asks Rhea to go, says she will come. She takes a bed sheet and suffocates someone.

Precap: Ranbir tells Prachi that his Rhea will take care of him. Rhea gets happy and says ofcourse. Aaliya asks Sid to go and tell his gang, and says even if they find Mihika then she will go up in this young age. Prachi tells Rhea that whatever is mine is mine. Rhea says it is until yesterday, everything changed when he hugged me.

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