Male characters are appreciated a lot in my shows – Pearl Grey

Producer Pearl Grey speaks about her inspiration for the show Doli Armaanon Ki which recently celebrated the success of a year, her equation with Anupam Shyam Ojha and more…

It was a double whammy for the team of Spellbound Productions’ Doli Armaanon Ki which recently completed the run of a year and completed their 260 episodes. While the entire cast and crew rejoiced the occasion with a success bash, we got in touch with the producer of the show Pearl Grey to speak about the moment, show’s impact on the viewers and more…

Sounding delighted and proud over the show’s success, Pearl says, “Firstly thanks a lot. We are happy and we have achieved the success for completing a year. It was our responsibility towards the society for projecting sensitive issues through this show. Whatever we wanted to showcase it has been fulfilled and our efforts have been paid off.”

The show has gained immense applause for highlighting many sensitive issues which created a rage among the audiences as these issues are still prevalent in our country. Commenting on the same, Pearl says, “I am really grateful as we wanted to showcase issues which are predominant in our society. We wanted to convey the message that a woman who gets married through her choice and if she in trouble, then she has the right to lead an independent and happy life. As women are known for compromising on things post their marriage, our aim was to show that no women should accept and allow infidelity. Women are always bound by the pressure of the family and society, however, if her husband cheats on her yet she has to sacrifice for the sake of the children in the relationship. But the question lies, why should a woman do this? If at all a woman is caught cheating, then shall her husband forgive her for her deed? It’s not the case with men. So these things are very close to my heart and I am extremely happy that viewers have appreciated me and my work.”

Being a woman producer, Pearl is winning hearts of the viewers for such a subject driven show. So who has inspired Pearl? “My life has been my inspiration. Inspiration comes from people around you; it is when you have seen the journey throughout with them. The situations raise questions in you and with the same you get inspired from to do what is right and what is not. I am lucky to get a platform to convey the same.”

She has a knack of producing women oriented shows like Pratigya and Doli Armaanon Ki which have always been the talk of the town. So when asked her whether she wants to opt for producing on some different topic or not she says, “Though my shows have been women oriented, but the most popular element of shows have been the male characters. Like in Pratigya it was Arhaan’s (Arhaan Behll) character of Krishna, in Doli it is Mohit’s (Mohit Malik) character of Samrat or Sajjan Singh (Anupam Shyam Ojha). Though the issues showcased are women based but the male characters are very much appreciated in shows.”

As Anupam Shyam Ojha’s character of Sajjan Singh was quite loved by the masses, he was seen in a very promising character in Doli. So how has Pearl’s association been with him? “My association is very different with him. I respect his work and he also respects me a lot. So there is a mutual respect and understanding between us. He has been very supportive and has given his best.”

Lastly her future plans? “There are no future plans. I don’t make plans, I don’t think about the future. I have not yet thought about it.”

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  1. Ginny
    December 07, 20:22 Reply

    I font think so either, that kind of character cabin scar some weman mently
    And fearful, not everyone jpgave lawer like issan and family like writing living as a tangent is there sent law in India, we no not even have even male dirtiness . These days in India if there us a complain against husband or in laws inlaws and husband ho to jail, unnecessary story to manipulate audiance aufuance are nit stupid

  2. Meera
    December 07, 20:17 Reply

    I don’t think so, everything is one sided. Is there any law in India, there are report against smrat
    There are hotel record , he was sleeping with other wemans, why isha didnot pulled our all these eve dance against his character

    He us not a king like he can do anything , there is no law no control
    How smart character can be appreciated
    Yes in villages people beat wife’s and threat them but not in family like this ,it isn’t a village , dam rat have a company he deal with overseas people
    There us no law,this is stupid , doesnot make any scenes to me

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