Punar Vivah 20th February 2013 Written Update

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Punar Vivah 20th February 2013 Written Update by Rimjhim

Punar Vivah 20th February 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Yash’s residence.
Radha is in tears at how it all turned out. However pankaj is very adamant that he would have to get the punishemnt and they would have to avenge their father’s insult. Gayatri and pankaj ask yash, to smear akash and radha’s face with coal, not feeling sorry for them as they deserve it. Buaji too instigates him to go on and taint radha’s face. Yash says that more than akash, radha is at fault that she led her son on the wrong path and demands to know the reason. He says that he considers mother as the reincarnation of god. But he says that he is a taint on mother’s name and cant call her by that name. Pankaj asks yash not to lecture them as they arent worth it. He asks yash to smear radha’s face, but arti stops his hand. yash asks arti not to stop him, as he wont bear anyone insulting his father. Arti complies, and he taints akash’s face by doing tilak with coal. arti thinks to herself that ideally yash would have been in this place, had radha not exchanged babies and that yash didnt do right by doing this to his own brother. Pankaj however smears his complete face and give him a shoe necklace aroung his neck, and taunt him with insults. while his sons are taking their revenge, Suraj goes inside.

Suarj goes inside and tells somebody on the phone, that it was indeed a jon well done with dexterity. The person on the other end, tells him that even the MLA wasnt able to find out the difference between the real and the forged report. after congratulating him for his work, suraj cancels the phone. He goes over to the almirah and takes out the real reports that confirmed akash as his own son.

Suraj burns the original results, which had confirmed that akash was indeed suraj’s son, and throws the burning pieces in the trash can. He says that he was after all a human, and he made his mistake. But all the fame that he aquired over the years, he couldnt have seen it going into vain, by this one mistake springing up from the past. Therefore, he had to take this step to forge the test results.

Outside yash and his brothers are mocking akash and his failure, and making merry by dancing around him. While akash is tied to a post, suraj comes outside to see his sons avenging his insult, while radha and arti watch in silence. Yash senses something burning and comes inside to find the test results burning in the waste bin. He puts out the fire and the half burned pieces fly around. Yash, however accidentally, steps on a half burnt piece, and picks it up to find that its the test results and is surprised to ses this. He is shocked to find that akash is in fact suarj’s son, and that radha was right after all. He refuses to believe it. arti enters the room and finds yash with the burnt reports. Yash looks up at arti and remembers arti taking radha’s side last night. He tells arti that noone should know about this. Arti is confused as to what is she saying. Yash is adamant on this stance. Arti says that she cant believe that he’s talking like this and asks him to think of the mother who brought up this child for the past 30 years, and that she deserves to have fatherly love for her child, and denying that would be sheer iunjustice. He says that its not just justice at stake, but also suraj’s whole career and reputation as he wont be able to bear this, and neither would gayatri. He says that what radha faced was not right, but she’s not weak, as she had the courage to pull through for 30 years, but his parenst wont be able to bear this. As for akash, yash promsies that he would give his share too to him, and wont keep anything for himself.

Arti says to yash that he might sympathise and give everything to akash, but will he be able to give that to aksh, which he has been grieving for the past 30 years, i.e. the love of a father and his own identity. Yash sits on the bed shocked and speechless. arti says that money isnt everything, and that he knows it better than her and she doesnt feel good hearing this from yash, as he always favours the truth and despises lies. He accepts adding that when the family’s happiness and reputation is at stake, he is okay with maigning. He says that he might be considered a cheat, but he wont let his family’s happiness ruin, even at the cost of his own principles ruining. He says that whatever he is today is due to suarj, and therefore, today he has to be with suraj. If he didnt do this also for suraj’s sake, then yash says that he wont be able to apologize himself forever as he cant see suarj living a life of disgrace, his mother dying every minute and his brothers suffocating with this truth. He says that they would never let suarj know that they know the truth and hopes that arti is with him on this. Arti thinks to herslf that she cant be with yash on this matter as that would deny a mother her rightful share. And even yash who considers the world of his parents, wont ever know who gave birth to him, i.e. radha. She is determined that she would tells yash the truth about his mother. The screen freezes on her face.

Precap: Arti tells yash that he knows the half truth and then goes on to tell him everything that she knows while he listens, shock registering on his face.

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  1. Anonymous
    February 20, 16:10 Reply

    hi amazing fans
    can anyone plz post some pics on 18 feb 2013 when yash was dancing with his brothers
    plz plz

  2. Punar Vivah
    February 20, 16:06 Reply

    Wow, very great episode. The truth is out finally. I thought that it would take forever for it to come out. I feel so bad for Aakaush. He went through all that insult, but I still understand the family’s thoughts about punishing him. When someone threatened my dad of having an affair with another woman, then I would do the same. I would not feel regret for insulting them. Especially since Yash has so much faith in Suraj because Suraj isn’t a very good person. Suraj did terrible things, I understand, and I also understand that he shouldn’t have burned the test results. He wants to put his past behind him, but this kind of past is effecting the present and many people’s lives. Aakaush is a good person, he felt like someone left his mom when he was younger. Living in poverty is hard. To struggle all your life, you want to rest sometimes. And when he found out that someone neglected him of this right, then he was infuriated. He and his mom deserve better, I understand. This is a huge debate talk, though. Revealing the truth or not revealing it. By revealing it, then many lives are ruined, but by not revealing it, then still lives are ruined. I think that the truth should be revealed though. Keeping things from people is wrong. Radha was denied her right in this situation and so was Aakaush. They were both treated extremely unfairly, but there are a lot of innocent lives at stake here. Gayatri will break down in tears and literally die if she finds out the truth. Suraj will be put in his place, but what about the family. This is all Suraj’s fault. If he was faithful to Gayatri, then maybe this whole thing wouldn’t have happened. No one can save him now, no matter how hard the truth is forced down, it will come shooting up. I wish the family my best in this difficult time. I think that Yash is so hurt because he cannot imagine hurting his loved ones. He loves them so much that his borderline between righteous and wrong is all messed up. It is Aarti’s job to guide him in the right path. Yash will decide to reveal the truth now, but it will be painful. I hope that Aarti can be supportive and understanding of Yash and if he starts leaving the righteous path, she guides him to the right decision. It was great to see the family smiling because we will not see that in a while. Overall, contradictary episode.

    • Suni
      February 20, 16:10

      Hi Punar Vivah , before I read and comment , I am a bit curious to know just a little about you . We interact everyday , but I don’t even know ,where are you from ?

    • Suni
      February 20, 16:22

      I agree with you . It was one thing for Akash to deal with being poor , Radha said that she did her best to provide him with everything he needed . However ,I think the fact that he grew up thinking that he was illegitimate , and being treated as such , had a greater impact on him .
      Yash may not willingly accept Radha as his mother . How will she prove that Yash is her son ? Both Radha and Papa S are liars ; but , Radha paid the price already for her wrongdoing . She had to live without her biological son and now , the son that she raised , may become very angry at her , when he finds out the truth . I don’t think that Papa S will apologize to anyone . He is being portrayed as being very arrogant recently . We are seeing how the truth will reveal itself no matter how long it remains hidden and how adults can really screw up heir children’s lives when they do not think about the consequences of their actions .

  3. Anonymous
    February 20, 15:16 Reply

    SP needs to be punished for what he did and humiliating radha! He doesnt deserve to go unpunished! Wonder what the brothers will do when the truth comes out and it is revealed that Akash is G3 real son!

    I felt sorry for akash the way they humiliated him today..i think that was wrong. So yea he did have a negative character in the begining and his motives is money but lets not forget he took good care of ansh.

    Perhaps his character will change in the future for the better and all the brothers can re-unite.

    • Anu
      February 20, 15:36

      I doubt this is hum saath saath hai…i mean the writers of PV are way better that we think they always mange to surprise us with some twist and turn even when hints are let out they always find a way to surprise us and I’m postivie that they have something up their sleeve.

  4. Anu
    February 20, 14:51 Reply

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE CAST AND CREW OF PUNAR VIVAH!!!!! HOPE TO SEE YOU GUYS NEXT YEAR SAME TIME SAME TV SHOW!!1 MUCH LOVE! now for the episode….I wasn’t shocked when Yash wanted to keep it a secret but I am super excited to hear Yash’s reaction to Radha being his mother!

    • Amaica
      February 21, 08:22

      Yes Anu….This will be a sentimental moment.

  5. Geetha
    February 20, 13:33 Reply

    Neha. renu,raji, illatha kuraiya tamil command panni thikriga. But raji & renu ean ippa command panrathu illa . I miss your tamil commandpa. Plz command pannuga i really miss you……… …….

    • Neha
      February 21, 05:30

      Thank u geetha, u r ryt. Me too
      i missed raji’s tamil comments.

  6. Anonymous
    February 20, 13:28 Reply

    awesome episode today. show is going well.

  7. Anonymous
    February 20, 13:28 Reply

    dont forget to hit the “like” button under the wU!

  8. Anonymous
    February 20, 13:27 Reply

    we need more comments on this page! show ur support PV fans! other pages are posting nonsense and chatting!

  9. RENU
    February 20, 13:20 Reply

    sorry friends,….
    i couldnt join u all due 2 my busy schedule &

    i missed pv too these days,…how r u all???

    this vm is 4 all my friends,…both tamil n all pv fansits a tamil song but,u can watch it as it contains eng subtitles,…


    have a nyc day friends

    & i hope u all enjoy it,…

    (i posted it somewhere,..so m again posting it here n i hope u all understand my situation)

    • jose
      February 20, 13:27

      nice renu….
      thank u so much…

    • Geetha
      February 20, 14:22

      Thank you renu. I really enjoy it. Pv,maangeet& arnavkushi ellathoda tamil songs really super. Thanks for sharing

    • Suni
      February 20, 17:31

      Hi !! Renu 🙂 . So nice to hear from you . Thank you for remembering us and for sharing the link .

    • Suni
      February 20, 17:40

      Renu , that link was beautiful . It brought back so great memories 🙂 .

    • Anonymous
      February 21, 07:31

      thanks renu song selection super

  10. Fiusa
    February 20, 13:19 Reply

    loved today’s episode! im happy to see that yash will know the whole truth. i havent seen the episode yet so dont know if he smeared radha’s face but they shouldnt have done that (if they did do it)

    • Miss Kris
      February 20, 16:01

      No just Akash, which I find to be very distasteful for so called high status and hig society upstanding sophisticated people. Very unsophisticated I say. Totally degrading persons of Scindia household, very low indeed. G3 told them to do it, lord, she is so going to regret doing that to her own son and papa Scindia stood looking so smug and high and mighty to see that being done to his own flesh and blood. He has absolutely no shame whatsoever. He is not a big man at all but a very little puny one. Only a big man can admit and accept his mistake and atone for same or at least try to make amends and rectify the situation. But he is a big jackass.

  11. Swapna
    February 20, 12:47 Reply

    Yash and arati rocks

    Yash is right in his way -after knowing the truth he told he will give sahre money evrything ,but cant reveal to their family as he knows is bcoz of his maother and brothers ,not so selfish about him for his mother and suraj will be living in life of disgrace -family happiness at stake

    may be is half correct not thinking bad ,he was not aside of truth bcoz of his mom and brothers

    Aarti is correct ,yash want to know his mother and her love towards him and how he is in akash place and enjoying and need to give even aakash his real mom indirectly-both wishes for other happiness

    but i dont know how yash will react is full of emotions for his own mother in trying to leave him and getting him in right place and all realtions or at stake prathek pankaj and for g3 maa her love towards him . and how aakash will ract is full of anger for radha and full of anger for g3 bcoz she loves yash more

    Even his own brothers alos dont live him so aakash will be full not happy-they will thnk about yash love bond than aakash

    After knowing truth yash what he will do .how he will react ,need to his emotions and arrogant behaiour towards Suraj pratap

    Suraj told maa be ek inssaan hu galthithi tho hogaya lekin meraliye meri prestige imp-may be he even guilt in his heart-ut not able to show and accept them

    how Aakash turns into eveil for radha -yash and others -if think abt future episodes it self very good it will be -it may reacting shows is good -for 30 yrs he suffred

    and they shouldnot do that-putting black and doing kala all face -as aarti thinking yash should be in his postion and radha need to speak and tell he his son and atleast dont do it to my son and atleast hug himand supporting

    big fan of punarvivah-really started seeing for aarya and then slowly liked kids then everyone-now entire team

    • Suni
      February 20, 17:55

      Hi Swapna , I agree with your views . Yash has such a pure heart . Before Akash , I have never seen him resent anyone , he was angry at Prashant , but he still tried to treat him like a friend the fist time they clashed . .
      He doesn’t like anyone attacking his family just like Aarti . But , now our poor hero has to deal with the betrayal of his parents . Gayatri is really the only innocent one …and she isn’t his biological mom . So sad .

  12. jeni
    February 20, 12:44 Reply

    yash pls unmaiya sollu radha pavam

  13. Swapna
    February 20, 12:44 Reply

    Yash and arati rocks

    Yash is right in his way -after knowing the truth he told he will give sahre money evrything ,but cant reveal to their family as he knows is bcoz of his maother and brothers ,not so selfish about him for his mother and suraj will be living in life of disgrace -family happiness at stake

    may be is half correct not thinking bad ,he was not aside of truth bcoz of his mom and brothers

    Aarti is correct ,yash want to know his mother and her love towards him and how he is in akash place and enjoying and need to give even aakash his real mom indirectly-both wishes for other happiness

    but i dont know how yash will react is full of emotions for his own mother in trying to leave him and getting him in right place and all realtions or at stake prathek pankaj and for g3 maa her love towards him . and how aakash will ract is full of anger for radha and full of anger for g3 bcoz she loves yash more

    Even his own brothers alos dont live him so aakash will be full not happy-they will thnk about yash love bond than aakash

    After knowing truth yash what he will do .how he will react ,need to his emotions and arrogant behaiour towards Suraj pratap

    Suraj told maa be ek inssaan hu galthithi tho hogaya lekin meraliye meri prestige imp-may be he even guilt in his heart-ut not able to show and accept them

    how Aakash turns into eveil for radha -yash and others -if think abt future episodes it self very good it will be -it may reacting shows is good -for 30 yrs he suffred

    and they shouldnot do that-putting black and doing kala all face -as aarti thinking yash should be in his postion and radha need to speak and tell he his son and atleast dont do it to my son and atleast hug himand supporting

    • Npip
      February 20, 14:53

      Why do u write sooooo much

  14. Miss Kris
    February 20, 12:31 Reply

    Hi Suni got to run out myself be back by 300 yes I’m so so sorry for Yash. Also for G3
    Suraj betrayed her BIG TIME
    What a low life. Had his fun and discard the woman like an old rag, disgusted peeved old man

    • Miss Kris
      February 20, 12:32

      I meant perverted, this ipad and auto correct hmm.

  15. Neha
    February 20, 12:29 Reply

    Unmaiye pakkam irukara yash
    poi solrathuna pitikatha yash
    ippo thappu panna suraj pakam irukarathu thavaru
    gayatri ka ella unmaiyum maraika poranga yash.
    Yash, suraj and gayatri a theyivama ninaikraru.

    • Anonymous
      February 20, 12:37

      dear neha santhosama irukku inga tamizh la comment pannada parthu
      hi friend this is devishree
      nanum athan sollanumnu nenachen neenga solliteenga

  16. Suni
    February 20, 12:27 Reply

    Thank you Rimjhim , great job as usual 🙂

  17. kanmani
    February 20, 12:27 Reply

    yash unmaya sollanum, paavam radha…surajukku venum intha avamanaam, ippa kooda avan irakka padala, thanakku innum oru payyan irukku endhu therinchum! enna manishanpa!

  18. Suni
    February 20, 12:26 Reply

    Oh , dear , I want to cry , poor , poor , poor Yash . He doesn’t deserve this . If he thinks that this is bad …he has a lot more sadness coming his way . Afreesh , I am so sorry for him , he will be so sad 🙁 , but he will get angry also .
    He will be so confused …if he can’t trust his own dad , he will be shattered ..

    I can’t stay , have to run again , but I had to read the update , bye till later …

  19. Suni
    February 20, 12:26 Reply

    Oh , dear , I want to cry , poor , poor , poor Yash . He doesn’t deserve this . If he thinks that this is bad …he has a lot more sadness coming his way . Afreesh , I am so sorry for him , he will be so sad 🙁 , but he will get angry also .
    He will be so confused …if he can’t trust his own dad , he will be shattered ..

    I can’t stay , have to run again , but I had to read the update , bye till later …

  20. honey
    February 20, 12:25 Reply

    fast written update plz

  21. Neha
    February 20, 12:25 Reply

    Marupatiyum aarti unmaiya velila sollama maraika poranga athuku marupatiyum pirachana varum.

  22. Miss Unbelievable
    February 20, 12:20 Reply


    i’ll be back after lunch lol

    afternoon to Suni Afreesh Miss Kris Amacia Deep SJ Punar vivah anu and others

    • Miss Kris
      February 20, 12:27

      Afternoon Afreesh and others,
      Wow, I thought Yash would not find out yet. But I’m so glad he did. My god what a revelation for Yash to find it. Good going, no dragging the matter quick and immediate results, yes!
      Wonder if Arti will tell all to Yash now. Hope she does and they work thing out together.
      Hmmm now is apology time for Radha and Akash. How will they atone for what they did today?
      That was really bad na? Poor Radha will finally get justice. Hope Arti tell all and Yash is willing to listen and finds out the truth.mcant wait.

  23. Neha
    February 20, 12:20 Reply

    Aarti yum yash pathiya unmaiya sollala.

  24. Neha
    February 20, 12:18 Reply

    Yash yen yaar kitaiyum sollavenanu solranga. Suraj thappu pannavanga. I know gayatri intha visayam therincha kasta paduvanga but aakash nilai.

  25. Neha
    February 20, 12:16 Reply

    Wow aarti so cute. Rompa azhaka theriranga. Intha saree avangaluku poruthama iruku, hair style supera iruku.

    • Anonymous
      February 20, 12:17

      Ama aarti rompa nice n preety

  26. mani
    February 20, 12:15 Reply

    itni bejjati nhi karni chahiye thi aakash ki

  27. Neha
    February 20, 12:13 Reply

    Yashji ku ella unmaiyum therinchathu saritha but ippo yash enna pannuvar.

  28. Neha
    February 20, 12:11 Reply

    Nijamave kastama iruku suraj thappu pannirukan but thantana aakash ku ithu ethuyume sari illa. Intha pratik and punjak sontha thampi melaiye serupu malai potanga.

    • Anonymous
      February 20, 12:16

      AMA ithu rompa thapu pavum Akash .

    • Anonymous
      February 20, 12:21

      s its really very sad

    • pinky
      February 20, 12:46

      nalla iruku tamilah ethna comment pakarathuku !!!

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