Rangrasiya 3rd July 2014 Written Update

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Rangrasiya 3rd July 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Rangrasiya 3rd July 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
mala comes to rudra’s room and sasy I brought food fro you and paro, paro had fast today, she wanted you to break it and also you didn’t ate anything, rudra takew food from her and thanks her, she looks at him and goes. rudra comes to paro, paro ask who was there, rudra says you didn’t fast today right, paro says no, actually.. rudra makes her eat and says you don’t know how to lie, paro ask who brought food, rudra says she brought it, paro ask who she? maasa, I told her to not come near you but she doesn’t listen to me, I will speak to her, rudra sasy stop this drama, paro says drama? you knew that we are doing drama, rudra says I didn’t know it, but today when you were afraid and needed you your mother, she was with you, she was holding your hand and I got to know that your thread with her is intact, you were just doing drama so I fight with for her, mad girl, you were ready to be scolded by me for her, paro ask are you angry with me? rudra says no, paro says this means you have forgiven your mother, he doesn’t answer. rudra ask her to sleep, paro makes him eat.
at night, rudra says I am forgetting something, she says you must have to call vk singh sir or aman, he says no, paro says then you must have forgotten to sasy thanks to mala, he says I told her thanks, paro smiles, he brings gift and its blue butterfly, rudra says I always saw you playing with butterfly so bought it for you, paro says yes I like butterflies, you rukmini(butterfly) used to come to me and she used to give me happiness, she used to give me strength that everything is fine but.. I didn’t see her for many days this means something is not good, rudra says that’s why I brought it for you, this gift and I assure you that everything is fine, I am with you, you have faith on me so don’t worry, I wont let anything happen to you.

Scene 2
samrat wakes up in morning, Maithili shows him locket around his neck and says this is gift from my side for you on teej, he says you sold your gold bangles for it, Maithili says no problem, when you can fast then cant I but this for you. samrat gets tensed. samrat tells Maithili that I have grudge of hiding one thing from you, yesterday mohini didn’t take me for some business but she made me meet one girl for my second marriage, Maithili is hurt..
paro shows rudra his shirts and says your cloths are old, rudra says I will bring new one, why don’t you go and buy cloths for me, dilsher comes and says did you forget what happened with paro yesterday, rudra says so will she remain in house, she will go, I will send guard with her, paro says I thought that I will go to mandir too and also mala will come with me so how can we go alone, rudra says not alone guard is coming with you, paro says but I thought you will drop us, rudra says go and get ready and als ask the one(mala) who wants to go with you, I will drop you, he leaves, dilsher says nobody can win against your stubbornness.

SCene 3
samrat says believe me, I didn’t know she was taking me there for that, I scolded her and also was not coming with her, I love you only, Maithili says that’s why you were saying yesterday that we are there for ech other, we don’t need anyone else, please just say it one more time, I will be fine, samrat says I can say that many times that you are enough for me, I don need anything. Maithili hugs him.
rudra, paro and mala comes to mandir, rudra says to paro to be careful, be aware of everything and also keep your eyes open, paro says but my eyes are open, he says I mean keep your eyes, mind open, he says call me if you want to tell anything and one more thing don’t but sharp colored cloths, paro teases him and says I will but embroided yellow color cloths for you, rudra smiles and says have gola( ice ball), he looks at mala and says be careful you both, mala looks at him, he leaves.

SCene 4
man who wanted his daughter to marry to samrat calls mohin, he ask whats your decision, moohini says I feel that samrat and your daughter should meet each other, get to know each other then we will think, Maithili comes there, mohini ends the call and says good you came, I have got ticket for you to go to your home, Maithili says I got to know everything, I got to know that you want sanrat to to marry again, I accepted your family, I tried my best to keep family happy, I never failed in my duties and samrat is happy with me, he loves me a lot then why did you send him to see the girl, mohin says you want to listen that you are great daughter in law but can you give me happiness of my heir, you have out black spot on our family by not giving us child, you cant conceive ever, Maithili says just for that one thing, you forgot what all I did for this family, just for one reason you are saying this, mohini says the thing which you are saying as only one thing is about my family, this one thing can destroy my family name and can bring end to this house, so listen to me, I can do anything to get my heir and I will make samrat marry, Maithili says you cant do that, mohini says you are giving me warnings, you know I can throw you out of house right now, Maithili says I know =, when I got married my mother said that women’s house after marriage is her husband’s house so I will not leave this house neither I am going to my mother’s house, I can do anything to save my mangalsutra, I will fight for my marriage, she goes from there, sumer comes to mohini and says be careful maasa your innocent DIL is ready to attack you or she can fly away with your son. mohini fumes

Scene 5
rudra is getting ready as common man in bsd, he says to aman that paro is in market so I am going there, you tell everyone in bsd that I am busy in meeting, nobody should know that I am going behind her, I feel like someone from bsd is involved in this, the culprit might be getting information from bsd so you don’t go out of this room till I come back, aman says but why did you put paro in danger to catch him, rudra says I didn’t have any choice but I will not let anything happen to paro. he goes.
in market, mala says to paro that he said don’t but sharp colors and you bought embroided cloths for him, paro says he says many thing but don’t worry, mystery man is watching them, he gets the call that rudra is busy in meeting for 2 hours, he says so my way is clear. rudra comes there in disguise and follows paro. paro says to mala lets go and have gola(ice ball). mala says in rain? paro says yes its fun to have it in rain, they listen noise from mandir, paro says look like puja is about to start, paro says we will go there 1st, they goes to mandir. they come in puja, the mystery man us watching paro in mandir, rudra is paro, he sees one man killing the guard who was with paro and is stunned,

PRECAP- the mystery man comes in mandir where paro is doing puja, rudra comes there, man approaches paro, rudra is tensed.

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  1. karkuzhali
    July 03, 13:33 Reply

    Colors slips to no 4 in its TRP
    SSK 4.0 (4.4) BV 4.4 (4.5) MB 2.2 (2.2) BI 2.2 (2.5) Rang Rasiya 2.3 (2.1) MeriAashiquiTumseHi 2.9 Uttaran 2.8 (2.7)

    • karkuzhali
      July 03, 13:43

      Main Reasons behind low TRP’s:
      No proper promotion of shows
      Dragging of long running shows
      No twist & turns in the story
      Much time to break a mystery

      and some others like this…..
      But i just dnt understand y RR(which dnt ve above points) always has a low TRP when compared to other shows which mostly ve those points:(

    • vithu
      July 03, 13:50

      u know wt the colors tv promoters are being biased toward our show
      im sorry im not here to offend any of the other shows
      i luv beinthehaa[ is tht how u spell it lol] they provide promos for the show regularly on time but not for our show rang rasiya !!!!! i just dont get it why ???????
      this should stopppppppp
      and zain and aliya fan who r reading my comment , just want to tell u guys tht i also watch the show and im also a fan of them and im not here to bash them ok

      just my opinion lol

    • ma
      July 03, 14:06

      So trueeee!! I mentioned about this before also! I just dont get it hw cn it get low trps! Its a pitch perfect show! New twists awesome actors and director thn y low trps? Colors shud really consider cuz if they find a solution im 100% sure rangrasia will be n da top 5 shows ! Cuz it hs a massive fan base!! Our forum RR number 2! India forum number 1!!!!! So hw cn it receive so less points!!! Its just frustrating!!!!! When shows like Ssk cn get 4 points y not RR???

  2. karkuzhali
    July 03, 13:29 Reply

    Sorry @Nivedhika day b4 yest WU i read very late so cnt able to reply u at that time 🙂

    • Nivedhika
      July 03, 13:45

      Oh k karkuzhali jus wanted 2know y u neva commented dat day:):)

  3. arti
    July 03, 13:27 Reply

    Rangrasiya shocking twist: Is mystery man a past lover of Paro?

    A mysterious man Is behind Par’s life in the latest track of Rangrasiya.

    It is seen that as Paro (Sanaya Irani) waits for Rudra (Ashish Sharma) after her Puja, an unknown man come from behind and talks to Paro.

    He gives her greetings for the Puja and says that may God give long life to your Husband.

    Initially Paro thinks that it is Rudra.

    However, when Rudra enter the house from the front door, Paro realizes that the person was someone else and he soon runs away.

    Who is this unknown person who is behind Paro’s life? Is he a previous lover of Paro? Will Rudra be able to catch hold of him before it’s too late? All the answers will be known in the upcoming episodes.

    • arti
      July 03, 13:28

      don’t know why they saying this…they already said the mystery man is paro’s dead husband brother back for revenge!

    • vithu
      July 03, 13:31

      maybe the mystery man want it to take a revenge frm rudra
      cuz he may hve arrested him or put him in the jail

    • arti
      July 03, 13:32

      its no mystery man..this article they are trying to make fans think its some past lover but its not.

  4. arti
    July 03, 13:26 Reply

    also curious to knw whose corrupted in BSD to help these ppl.

    • vithu
      July 03, 13:29

      ya tue
      im 100% sure its not amen

    • Pu
      July 04, 08:20

      I don’t think it’s Aman coz Rudra told him 2 inform every1 tt he’s in meetg n not 2 let any1 else know wat he’s up to due 2 his suspicion tt some1 frm BSD might b involved. D phone call d antagonist was attending 2 could hav informed him tt d job was compromised n 2 abort d attack. So I hav faith in Aman v(。-_-。)v

  5. arti
    July 03, 13:22 Reply

    I think mystery man wont be caught now…they will get to know who he is.

    • vithu
      July 03, 13:23

      i think they gonna dragggggg this mystery man sequence

    • arti
      July 03, 13:37

      that’s ok..they just need to create more scenes too.meantime parud is getting closer 🙂

    • vithu
      July 03, 13:43

      hahaha lol so true

  6. vithu
    July 03, 13:18 Reply

    wt im thinking is in the upcoming episodes
    mohini will change maithili mind and
    she she will use mathili to tell smrat to remarry …………

    As well paro and rudra will play a main role to get them united

    who knows…… i want a happy ending

    • karkuzhali
      July 03, 13:20

      ya ya u r right that is what going to happen 😉

    • vithu
      July 03, 13:22

      idk karkuzhali
      i just want maithili and samrat to be togther
      they are tooooo sweet
      after parund [wink] they are my fav lo

    • karkuzhali
      July 03, 13:25

      When our Paro (along with her lovely husband) is there no need to fear 😉

  7. Pu
    July 03, 13:16 Reply

    Dammit this track is gettin more & more interestin each day! Can’t wait 4 2morro’s episode ꒰♡ˊ͈ ु꒳ ूˋ͈꒱.⑅*♡

    S usual PaRud was amazin & their understanding & complete faith in each other is d strength tt’s compelling them 2 face any adversity 2gether! Simply love their love 4 each other!(ღ˘⌣˘ღ) ♫・*:.。. .。.:*・

    It’s also delightful tt Rudra’s finally but progressively untanglin his relation w his mum‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )

    Way to go, Maithili!<(¬_¬<) o<(¬_¬0o0)>==============O
    It’s time 4 u 2 wage war w ur incorrigible MIL(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡( \o°o)\

    • vithu
      July 03, 13:26

      this is the magic of parund to make every episode special for the viewers

    • Pu
      July 03, 14:03

      Yup really love watching PaRud’s magic… I jus wish I can b of help w raisin d TRP 4 RR! It’s seriously ridiculous tt it’s soooo freakin low!!! KNS!! (۶ૈ ᵒ̌ Дᵒ̌)۶ૈ=͟͟͞͞ ⌨

      This is d best show tt I’ve enjoyed watching thus far tt does not drag out d plot lines unnecessarily 4 each track. Therefore keepin d viewers engaged w each episode & eagerly look 4ward 4 d next. Freakin confusin ɿ(。・ɜ・)ɾⓌⓗⓨ?it’s not bein recognized s d list topper.
      (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣o˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू)⁼³₌₃

  8. Shavina
    July 03, 13:15 Reply

    Hey can you come for chat with me on wu page of SADDA HAQ !!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. vithu
    July 03, 13:15 Reply

    hello ppl
    how r u all

    i hope rudra will save paro :[
    mathili u rock girl, she proved it to he mother in law tht love plays an important role between a husband and a wife. Loved her dialogues

    luv u rudra and paro u rock

  10. arti
    July 03, 13:13 Reply

    well done Maithili. I mentioned this yesterday..i think eventually Maithili will have to give into mohini- she will probably not leave the house but samrat might get remarried. then the torture of Maithili will begin

  11. Sharaum
    July 03, 13:07 Reply

    I feel sorry for Maithili…….. But she against her mother in low at any cost…….. She have proof the love on her husband is more then anything !!!! Hope paro will help her to solve the problem soon…..

    • Nivedhika
      July 03, 13:11

      Ya Paro is a medicine to everyones problem;)

    • karkuzhali
      July 03, 13:14

      Poor Maithili atleast now she rise against Mohini…..

    • karkuzhali
      July 03, 13:19

      Ya who knows now major saab may be of help to his bhabi (his lovely wife’s jija na?)

  12. arti
    July 03, 13:07 Reply

    I loved how they used this “gift/butterfly” as a symbol he will make everything ok as long as hes with her.

    he brings gift and its blue butterfly, rudra says I always saw you playing with butterfly so bought it for you, paro says yes I like butterflies, you rukmini(butterfly) used to come to me and she used to give me happiness, she used to give me strength that everything is fine but.. I didn’t see her for many days this means something is not good, rudra says that’s why I brought it for you, this gift and I assure you that everything is fine, I am with you, you have faith on me so don’t worry, I wont let anything happen to you.

  13. arti
    July 03, 13:06 Reply

    scene 1- loved it. rudra caught onto their little drama..cute!

  14. Sharaum
    July 03, 13:01 Reply

    Thanks a lot atiba jee…….. Valuable translation ………. Thanks again 🙂

  15. Nivedhika
    July 03, 12:59 Reply

    Wow Rudra u bought butterfly 4paro…dat is so sweet n u also know wat she likes:):)dis shows hw much u luv her…rudra looked really nice in dat dress he wore in mandir wit turban;):) I don think dat is de real mystery man…hez not vishal karwal…!!?? Waiting 2c Rudra rescuing Paro frm dat mystery man…luv u parud:)<3<3

    • karkuzhali
      July 03, 13:04

      Ya Nivedhika Rudra was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute in that style of dress…..

    • Sharaum
      July 03, 13:04

      Yeah he is not vishal karwal…….. Huh we have waiting for Monday !!! Sat sun bored without parud …….

    • Nivedhika
      July 03, 13:09

      Lets c wats gonna happen 2moro…if more problems den der wil be more parud romance ;);):D

  16. Sharaum
    July 03, 12:57 Reply

    Trilling episode……. It’s really like professional movie na friends?????

    • vithu
      July 03, 13:33

      of course it is
      thanks to the awesome director

  17. Sharaum
    July 03, 12:55 Reply

    How dare mohini do such to our lovely jijaaaa …….. Huh!!

  18. karkuzhali
    July 03, 12:55 Reply

    so cute when he says 🙂
    you were just doing drama so I fight with for her, mad girl

  19. karkuzhali
    July 03, 12:49 Reply

    Nice na? 😉
    paro says then you must have forgotten to sasy thanks to mala, he says I told her thanks, paro smiles

    • Sharaum
      July 03, 12:58

      Yeah so cute the way she smile n cover her face will pillow ….,,,,,,

    • khushi
      July 03, 12:50

      still they didn’t show mystery man

    • karkuzhali
      July 03, 12:59

      Khushi in precap they showed him…..

    • Sharaum
      July 03, 13:03

      But his not vishal karwal iz it???

    • Nivedhika
      July 03, 13:06

      Ya sharaum hez not vishal

    • karkuzhali
      July 03, 12:50

      Hai Aaradhana 🙂 u were not there yesterday right? what happen?

    • Nivedhika
      July 03, 13:04

      Hey karkuzhali u din comment day b4 yest rite???

    • karkuzhali
      July 03, 13:23

      Ya Nivedhika i was not able to log in konjam work 🙂

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