Rushad Rana’s career is on a high these days

It is Rushad Rana’s birthday today and the actor is currently on a high as after bagging Amrit Manthan (Life OK), he has been signed for another project on the same channel (Life OK), 26/12 which is all set to launch on 26 November 2012.

“He will play the role of Malik…an important character in the show,” said a source.

We did call up Rushad for confirmation but he chose to keep a mum on the project. However when wished a very happy birthday, he said, “Thanks a lot. I will be going out with my wife tonight. I am so happy that I have bagged two big shows on Life OK. I am looking forward to them. And talking about my gifts my wife gave me a cell phone and a beautiful watch.”

Way to go…Rushad!!!

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