Sanjog 20th October 2022 Written Update

Sanjog 20th October 2022 Written Update by Atiba

Sanjog 20th October 2022 Written Episode

Scene 1
Anjali is in the car and tells Gopal to clean the car after Gauri and Chandini sit in the car. They are cheap so I don’t want their smell here. Gopal is angry but nods. He sees a bike following them and starts driving fastly. Anjali asks him to drive safely. Gopal takes a turn and loses the bike. Gopal says sorry to Anjali and says I thought to drive faster. He brings her home and says sorry. The man arrives outside the house and glares at Gopal. Gopal thinks this was our gang member, I have to tell Gauri he saw me here. He asks Gauri to come and meet him later on.

Amrita tells Chandini to pack her bags for school, she will sleep with her mother. She asks for her books but Chandini acts like she doesn’t know it. Tara helps her and says she still needs my help. Amrita says same way Chandini was helping you but you beat her, you shouldn’t have hurt her. Tara apologizes to Chandini and hugs her. Rajeev comes there and sees them playing. He smiles. Amrita says Tara is happy now. Rajeev says I am doing all this for Tara. Amrita thinks he got upset when I said Tara is not his daughter. She says Tara doesn’t have friends, I think she is missing siblings. She is all alone. Rajeev says what do you mean? Amrita says we don’t have another kid but Chandini is here so I was thinking what if we keep Chandini here for good, what if we adopt her? Rajeev says we have a name and a standard, Tara can’t have a sibling as cheap as Chandini. We don’t even know about her family and her background. He leaves from there. Amrita says Rajeev can’t know the truth about Tara but I can make him love Chanda. I have to stop Gauri till then. She calls Alok but his phone is not reachable.

Gopal tells Gauri that a gang member saw me here, I think I will have to leave. Gauri says you can’t leave now, we have everything set here. Amrita is ready to adopt Chanda so you have to stay here. She will pay us as much as we want. Gopal says what if we kidnap Tara? Then we can get money too right? We can’t give away Chanda. Chanda comes there and hugs Gopal. The gang members come there and beat up Gopal. He protects Chanda and asks Gauri to take Chanda away. The gang member says you have to bring gold to us in time otherwise we won’t spare you. They leave. Gauri asks Chanda to go back home. She rushes to Gopal and asks if he is okay?

Chanda comes back home and is crying. Amrita asks what happened? Chanda says they beat up Bappu. The driver Gopal is my bappu. Amrita is shocked and says what? That driver is your bappu? Gauri comes there and says you saw another dream? Your bappu is okay. She tells Amrita that she has nightmares, I will handle her. She takes her from there.

Gauri asks Chanda what did you tell Amrita? You are a scardy cat. You are not my blood. Chanda says I am your daughter. Gauri gives her a knife and says try to cut a chicken but Chanda can’t. Gauri says I will kill you if you open your mouth. Rajeev comes there and finds a chicken there. Gauri is trying to catch it. Rajeev stops her and takes it from her. Gauri says what will you do with this? Rajeev brings the chicken to Amrita and says I should ask you what’s the truth about Chandini’s mother? What is Chandini and her mother doing here? Gauri comes there and hears all that.

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