Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 3rd December 2012 Written Update

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Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 3rd December 2012 Written Update by swagakevin2

Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 3rd December 2012 Written Update

Episode begins with Mayank sitting and remembering Gunjan at the ballroom. Gunjan comes and give him a paratha with a smily face on it but Mayank does not want it and is about to leave when Bua comes and asks him what happens. Bua leaves for something. Gunjan asks for forgiveness but Mayank declines. He says he will never forgive her and leaves. Shayl gives the girls lunch and they are ready to leave for college. Shayl warns them to be home early. Seema and Sangeeta also come. Gunjan remembers she has to collect the jewelry. They leave for college. Mayank in his room thinking if to forgive Gunjan or not. He is about to call her but he doesn’t. at college Gunjan is all down, Rachna says Mayank is still angry with you and Gunjan says yes. Rachna tells her to call him. Both Gunjan and Mayank are calling each other; hence, the operator says the phone is busy. Both are sad. Shaik (Mayank’s friend) comes and asks him to help with some decorations and they leave. Rachna asks Gunjan what Mayank is so angry with her, Gunjan is going to blow everything but she Gunjan lies and says nothing. Rachna tells Gunjan she has an idea, Mayank likes science books and she can give him a present, Gunjan says she will try and both girls repeat Shayl words of not being late and laughs. Its evening and Seema and Sangeeta are gossiping. One of the ladies present asks Seema about Gunjan, and Seema is praising Gunjan very much, Mayank sees this and smiles. All are happy. Upstairs, Gunjan is all decked up in the sari Seema gave her. Both girls are looking awesome, thye leave to go downstairs. All are happy and looking at Gunjan. Shayl tells Gunjan, Sneha would have been happy to see this. Pretentious Seema goes and introduces Gunjan to the ladies and says this is my “pyaree bahu”. Seema notices Gunjan’s jewelry. Seem asks her what happened to the jewelry she gave her. Gunjan says that this is it, but I have re-designed it. All are shocked while Sangeeta smiles.

Gunjan asks her if it’s a nice idea. But Seema starts to cry and says what you have done. Seems says that was her ancestral jewelry and Gunjan has destroyed it. Seems pretends to be off balance and all hold her while Gunjan is shocked. Seema is crying uncontrollably. One of the men tells the other women that everything is not right here and they should leave, they tell Shayl they are leaving and do so. Meanwhile, Mayank is staring at Gunjan. Sangeeta tells Seema don’t cry, control herself or else her blood pressure will go up. Seema is crying still. Sangeeta blasts Gunjan, Shayl also tells her she didn’t do the right thing. Gunjan says it was old-fashoned. Mayank blasts her and says if she didn’t care about people’s feelings and his mom give it to her so lovingly. Rachna surprised to see Mayank like this. Mayank says Gunjan does not value relationships and don’t know how to control her emotions.

Part Three:
Shayl says calm down. Mayank says forgive me but he won’t. Gunjan tells Mayank to stop this. Mayank says Gunjan does not care for his mother, look at how she is crying, the two witches look at each toher. Gunjan wipes her tears. Mayank is in anger. Gunjan says she only used her mom’s jewelry. Mayank says what’s with this attitude of hers? Mayank says that suppose if he throw away the CD’s Gunjan has with her mother. Gunjan screams and says Mayank! Mayank says exactly, you will feel hurt. Well, my mom is hurt just like this. Gunjan cries and goes away, while the two witches give a little smile and Seema cries even harder. Shayl and Rachna worried. Mayank takes his mom away. Meanwhile, Rachna is trying to console a crying Gunjan. Shayl comes and Gunjan hugs her. Gunjan says she won’t talk to Mayank ever. How can he think that I don’t love anyone and value relationshhips and so? Gunjan says she never wanted to hurt Seema. Shayl tells her to calm down and asks Rachna to bring some water for Gunjan. Shayl tells Gunjan people say anything in anger but time Gunjan was wrong. Shayl says she could have asked Seema first. Gunjan says has she known this would have caused such a drama, she would never have done this. Shayl saysx there is a way out of this and that is Gunjan must apologize to Seema. Gunjan says she will do it. Shayl says not know, when everyone calms down then. Shayl leaves while Gunjan drinks water and is crying and sad.

PRECAP: Mayank says had you care for this family, you would have met Seema and see how she is doing. Gunjan says she did and explains (FLASKBACK ‘ Gunjan goes to Seema’s room and checks on her and Sangeeta meets her and sees this) Gunjan says I did, ask Sangeeta. Sangeeta tells Mayank that Gunjan did say she wanted to check on Seema but she doesn’t know if she did or not. Gunjan is surprised and is going to say something but Mayank says enough Gunjan. I wonder how much you are going to lie!

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  1. rk madhubala fan
    December 04, 19:12 Reply

    Mayank has lost it. He should’ve been happy he found someone like Gunyan kyunki who Salman Khan nahin hai.
    Gunyan deserves better that this, I would never want a guy who doesn’t trust me ( but I don’t know why I can’t picture her with Vihaan o.+)
    Well now I’m just waiting for the day mayank realises the blunder he did…his face is gonna be worth watching.
    Dabu kahin ka!

  2. Sonya
    December 04, 18:49 Reply

    A man should not open his mouth in front of his mother without knowing the facts. Listen to what your wife, fiance or girlfriend has to say. I am not saying that you should take up for her but reserve your comments for the last after you know both sides of the story. Your mother is trouble! You may end up with Charu with a mother like that who only wants gifts and does not care for your happiness. Gunjan has nothing to loose. She has an Oz dad and will have men waiting for her. Keep it up Gunjan.

  3. miss unbeleivable
    December 03, 22:39 Reply

    oh yes
    gunjan deseves more blast
    im sorry all she is good for is lying
    she;s a damn liar
    then vihaan has a big revenge plan i just know it
    its gonna wreck gunjan and rachna’s life

  4. Mary
    December 03, 15:13 Reply

    Dammmmmm!!!! Seema and Sangettha r 2 bitches and witches.
    And Mayank be4 u find out the truth u gettin vex.

    • Anonymous
      December 03, 17:22

      Vex huh . Totally West Indian comment which I agree with .
      Hate Mayank and his mom and aunt .
      Gunjan can do way better

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