Saraswatichandra 27th March 2014 Written Update

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Saraswatichandra 27th March 2014 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Saraswatichandra 27th March 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Kumud hiding behind the window. Kabir looks outside. He gets a call and goes in. He says I m coming, not there,its a small village, if anyone sees, it will be a problem, meet me there where we always meet. Kumud thinks whom is he meeting like this. Kumud sees him leaving in his car and takes an auto to follow him. Badimaa and Guniyal see Kumud leaving. Badimaa says I saw her going. Guniyal says how can she go without saying. Badimaa says maybe she has some work. Ghuman asks Kusum where is Kumud. Kusum says don’t know, she did not tell me. Kusum asks Saras when will Kumud come. Saras thinks how can Kumud not come till now, she can’t be late for aarti, where did she go. Kumud sees Kabir’s car and looks around.

She sees Kabir talking with someone. She tries to see the lady. She is shocked to see its Menka Kaki. She says why is she here, and what does she has to do with Kabir, I even saw him with Ghuman. Menka asks does anyone doubt you. Kabir says no, Vidyachatur gave me place in his house and Saras in his business, they all trust me. Menka asks about Ghuman. Kabir says she is beautiful and clever. Menka says it means its final thing now. She says you know what you have to do now. Kabir says don’t worry, that will happen what we want. Kabir turns to see and Kumud hides. Kabir goes to see. Kumud throws a stone and divers him. Kabir does not see her. Menka asks who is it.

Kabir says don’t worry. He goes back to talk to her. Saras thinks where did Kumud go, is she in any problem. he says even she can call me, why should I. Kumud comes home and thinks she has to find out the secret between Kabir and Menka, from where should I start finding. Saras does not talk to her. She opens the cupboard and the file falls. She asks whats this will, you can given everything to Danny and did not even tell me. He says do you tell me where are you going, its ok. She says I asked you 9 days, you are breaking the relation with him by making this will, I know you are hurt but….. He says I m doing this for Danny. She says think maybe Danny is forced by anyone, maybe he misunderstood. Saras says he is grown up now, he used to support me in childhood, he should understand me more now. Saras leaves.

Ghuman says how did Kumud miss the aarti today. Saras comes to them and gives the file to Kusum asking her to give it to Danny. Kumud looks on. Kusum gives the file to Danny. Danny checks the file and is shocked. He looks at Saras. Ghuman looks at them thinking what is the papers. Danny drops the file. Saras leaves with tears in his eyes. Danny holds his head. Kusum sees the file and is shocked too. She says what did Saras do, why did he do this. Danny says I don’t know, did I ask him to do this. Ghuman reads the file. Kusum cries and asks Danny to understand and leave his anger. Danny leaves.

Kumud tells Saras that you were right, now are you happy. I felt you are sad, but you are happy giving everything to him, this decision has given happiness to both of you. She says now you can leave Danny easily. There is nothing which can bind you. Saras says yes you are right, I don’t have any burden now. He says I left Danny and now I can leave this house. Kumud smiles and says I got my answer. Yash’s mum asks Vidyachatur to go to Kumud’s house if he is worried. He says yes, lets go Dugba. Badimaa says no, you will be insulted there. He says I m seeing you got worried coming from there. She says I saw Ghuman’s old avatar, I told you till our daughters are there, our worry won’t end, she is a liar. She tells him everything what Ghuman said.

He is shocked. She says we have to be careful, she is trying to ruin our daughter’s happiness. Badimaa says Saraas decided to leave the house, Kumud will become weak and Ghuman can do anything, only 7 days are left now, I wish Kumud brings Saras and Danny together. Danny says why did he do this. Gnhuman says you be sure that he is not your own brother, forget this as a bad dream. Danny says I don’t want his property. Ghuman says he did not do any big sacrifice, it was yours and came back to you, Saras is not innocent, maybe he has some plan, we can’t trust him, he is taking revenge.

Danny does not listen to her and leaves. Kumud comes to Ghuman and says did you see, Danny believes Saras, he will know the truth soon. Ghuman leaves. Kumud thinks whats going on, and whats the connection between Kabir, Menka and Ghuman, I have to find out.

Menka meets Ghuman. Ghuman introduces Kabir to Menka. Kumud thinks why is Kabir acting as if he does not know her, is he acting or is everyone acting.

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    • smiley
      March 28, 03:58

      wooooohoooo sc rockzzz

  1. SaMud4Ever
    March 27, 19:08 Reply

    Thank you Amena Di for stellar written update and lovely pictures!!! πŸ™‚ Keep up the awesome job!!! πŸ™‚

  2. SaMud4Ever
    March 27, 19:07 Reply

    Hello to all my incredible SCians!!! πŸ™‚ Especially Zaaru, Smiley, Choti, Kajal, Nikky, Sia, Tithi, Titli, Noor, Avni, Zarin, Rose, Honey, Sadia, Rainbow, Miss Unbelievable, Minu Priya, Anu, Ayo, AnnaS, Ananna, Shashank, Vivek, Shurafa, Thani, Thiyu, Aathmika, Monalisa, Arti Di, Malsha Di, Suni Di, Amena Di, and the others!!! πŸ™‚ How are you all? πŸ™‚ Take care and love you bunches!!! πŸ™‚ Hope to chat very soon… πŸ™‚ By the way, I probably won’t come on Friday. πŸ™

  3. Choti Kutienita
    March 27, 18:31 Reply

    100 WooHoo πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
    bye guyz
    take care everyone πŸ™‚
    luv u all
    see u soon πŸ™‚
    have a lovely day ahead πŸ™‚

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 27, 19:35

      Bye Choti!!! πŸ™‚ Loved all your amazing comments!!! πŸ™‚ Keep up the awesome job!!! πŸ™‚ Love you too and hope you have a great day!!! πŸ™‚

  4. Choti Kutienita
    March 27, 18:29 Reply

    after 100 i will also go n im not sure if i will cum back, more likely i wont πŸ™

  5. Choti Kutienita
    March 27, 18:23 Reply

    Ghuman says he did not do any big sacrifice, it was yours and came back to you, Saras is not innocent, maybe he has some plan, we can’t trust him, he is taking revenge.

    erghhhh…. Ghuman is so evil, can’t she see in what state Danny is and instead of supporting him, she is being selfish, no one should get a mother like her..

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 27, 19:34

      Hate Gumaan so much…And I agree there is no worse mother than her. -_-

    • smiley
      March 28, 03:55

      yaa agree she is just disgusting hate her

  6. Choti Kutienita
    March 27, 18:21 Reply

    Saras says he is grown up now, he should understand me more now. Saras leaves.

    i kinda agree with Saras, Danny is being too childish πŸ™ , he needs to understand now, the problems and try to find a solution, because being angry wont fix anything πŸ™ , if u get what i mean…

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 27, 19:34

      Agreed. Saras has tried to say sorry and clear the misunderstandings, now it is Danny’s turn. πŸ™‚

    • smiley
      March 28, 03:53

      hmmm danny ko bhi srry bolana chahiye

  7. Choti Kutienita
    March 27, 18:17 Reply

    btw guyz i just thought i would let u know that i have changed my timings i will now come here at 5/6/7pm UK time and i myt not to come at night around 11 UK πŸ™

  8. Choti Kutienita
    March 27, 18:14 Reply

    He looks at Saras. Ghuman looks at them thinking what is the papers. Danny drops the file. Saras leaves with tears in his eyes.

    this part was so emotional for me πŸ™ , i wish n hope that all the misunderestanding between the bros get sorted out quick

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 27, 19:33

      Can’t wait to watch this scene. I know I will get senti… πŸ™

    • smiley
      March 28, 03:45

      hope so ke sab jaldi se theek ho jaye

  9. Choti Kutienita
    March 27, 18:12 Reply

    Kumud thinks whats going on, and whats the connection between Kabir, Menka and Ghuman, I have to find out.

    come on Kumud, we know u can do it πŸ™‚

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 27, 19:33

      Yes, we all have faith in you and hope you find out fast, as we also want to know. πŸ™‚

    • smiley
      March 28, 03:43

      yes kumud u can

  10. Choti Kutienita
    March 27, 18:11 Reply

    Menka asks about Ghuman. Kabir says she is beautiful and clever.

    im actually quite stunned, how can he actually say that to Ghuman’s sister, that is soo ergh…

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 27, 19:32

      I wonder the same. Kabir confuses me at times. He knows Gumaan is his mother, but still flirts with her… πŸ™

  11. Choti Kutienita
    March 27, 16:38 Reply

    OMG guyz u know today, it was raining ryt n after sumtym its was hailstoning, as much as it was fun to walk in, it got really wet n the raindrops was heavy.

    i hope the weather changes soon, as i have had to much of this windy n wet weather πŸ™

    • smiley
      March 28, 03:37

      hmm yaha toh bahut dhup padi hai….

  12. Choti Kutienita
    March 27, 16:36 Reply

    ok so is menka against Ghuman,and even if she is why is she?
    I love these twists πŸ™‚ but im also waiting for honeymoon

    • zaaru
      March 27, 16:37


    • SaMud4Ever
      March 27, 19:32

      Twists are awesome and I also can’t wait for honeymoon!!! πŸ™‚

    • smiley
      March 28, 03:35

      huh cnt wait for honeymoon

  13. Choti Kutienita
    March 27, 16:32 Reply

    Precap: Menka meets Ghuman. Ghuman introduces Kabir to Menka. Kumud thinks why is Kabir acting as if he does not know her, is he acting or is everyone acting.

    Looks interesting, waiting for tmoz, lets see wats in store for us πŸ™‚

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 27, 19:31

      Me too. Can’t wait for tomorrow. To tell you the truth I can’t wait for any SC episode. Lols. πŸ™‚ Anyways I love SC, because it always has me wondering what will happen next… πŸ™‚

    • smiley
      March 28, 03:33

      haan cnt wait for today’s epi

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