Saraswatichandra 27th March 2014 Written Update

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Saraswatichandra 27th March 2014 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Saraswatichandra 27th March 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Kumud hiding behind the window. Kabir looks outside. He gets a call and goes in. He says I m coming, not there,its a small village, if anyone sees, it will be a problem, meet me there where we always meet. Kumud thinks whom is he meeting like this. Kumud sees him leaving in his car and takes an auto to follow him. Badimaa and Guniyal see Kumud leaving. Badimaa says I saw her going. Guniyal says how can she go without saying. Badimaa says maybe she has some work. Ghuman asks Kusum where is Kumud. Kusum says don’t know, she did not tell me. Kusum asks Saras when will Kumud come. Saras thinks how can Kumud not come till now, she can’t be late for aarti, where did she go. Kumud sees Kabir’s car and looks around.

She sees Kabir talking with someone. She tries to see the lady. She is shocked to see its Menka Kaki. She says why is she here, and what does she has to do with Kabir, I even saw him with Ghuman. Menka asks does anyone doubt you. Kabir says no, Vidyachatur gave me place in his house and Saras in his business, they all trust me. Menka asks about Ghuman. Kabir says she is beautiful and clever. Menka says it means its final thing now. She says you know what you have to do now. Kabir says don’t worry, that will happen what we want. Kabir turns to see and Kumud hides. Kabir goes to see. Kumud throws a stone and divers him. Kabir does not see her. Menka asks who is it.

Kabir says don’t worry. He goes back to talk to her. Saras thinks where did Kumud go, is she in any problem. he says even she can call me, why should I. Kumud comes home and thinks she has to find out the secret between Kabir and Menka, from where should I start finding. Saras does not talk to her. She opens the cupboard and the file falls. She asks whats this will, you can given everything to Danny and did not even tell me. He says do you tell me where are you going, its ok. She says I asked you 9 days, you are breaking the relation with him by making this will, I know you are hurt but….. He says I m doing this for Danny. She says think maybe Danny is forced by anyone, maybe he misunderstood. Saras says he is grown up now, he used to support me in childhood, he should understand me more now. Saras leaves.

Ghuman says how did Kumud miss the aarti today. Saras comes to them and gives the file to Kusum asking her to give it to Danny. Kumud looks on. Kusum gives the file to Danny. Danny checks the file and is shocked. He looks at Saras. Ghuman looks at them thinking what is the papers. Danny drops the file. Saras leaves with tears in his eyes. Danny holds his head. Kusum sees the file and is shocked too. She says what did Saras do, why did he do this. Danny says I don’t know, did I ask him to do this. Ghuman reads the file. Kusum cries and asks Danny to understand and leave his anger. Danny leaves.

Kumud tells Saras that you were right, now are you happy. I felt you are sad, but you are happy giving everything to him, this decision has given happiness to both of you. She says now you can leave Danny easily. There is nothing which can bind you. Saras says yes you are right, I don’t have any burden now. He says I left Danny and now I can leave this house. Kumud smiles and says I got my answer. Yash’s mum asks Vidyachatur to go to Kumud’s house if he is worried. He says yes, lets go Dugba. Badimaa says no, you will be insulted there. He says I m seeing you got worried coming from there. She says I saw Ghuman’s old avatar, I told you till our daughters are there, our worry won’t end, she is a liar. She tells him everything what Ghuman said.

He is shocked. She says we have to be careful, she is trying to ruin our daughter’s happiness. Badimaa says Saraas decided to leave the house, Kumud will become weak and Ghuman can do anything, only 7 days are left now, I wish Kumud brings Saras and Danny together. Danny says why did he do this. Gnhuman says you be sure that he is not your own brother, forget this as a bad dream. Danny says I don’t want his property. Ghuman says he did not do any big sacrifice, it was yours and came back to you, Saras is not innocent, maybe he has some plan, we can’t trust him, he is taking revenge.

Danny does not listen to her and leaves. Kumud comes to Ghuman and says did you see, Danny believes Saras, he will know the truth soon. Ghuman leaves. Kumud thinks whats going on, and whats the connection between Kabir, Menka and Ghuman, I have to find out.

Menka meets Ghuman. Ghuman introduces Kabir to Menka. Kumud thinks why is Kabir acting as if he does not know her, is he acting or is everyone acting.

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  1. SaMud4Ever
    March 27, 21:53 Reply

    Ok sweetheart, I have to go now. πŸ™ Bye and take care. Love you lots. πŸ™‚ I probably won’t come back today and probably won’t have time to come tomorrow. πŸ™ I will miss you… πŸ™ Good luck with your tests!!! πŸ™‚

    • zaaru
      March 27, 21:56

      ok my swthrt
      thnks for chatting
      luv u too n will miss u too
      tk cre n good night

  2. zaaru
    March 27, 21:53 Reply

    yes my 12th grade
    last test
    yeah aftr english
    will get for some days\like 6 or one weeks
    dn i will get 2 month vacation on june 27th to september

    dnt u get vacation?

  3. zaaru
    March 27, 21:46 Reply

    hmmmmmmmmmmmmm thnk u
    hehe me too nervous u knw

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 27, 21:47

      Is it your last test? πŸ™‚ And then after that do you have break? πŸ™‚

  4. zaaru
    March 27, 21:39 Reply

    oh got it
    i jst hate tht kind of math
    its damn boring

    my english is 4 days ltr
    n math will start 30th april to dnt knw

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 27, 21:45

      Me too. πŸ™ Good luck with your tests. πŸ™‚

  5. zaaru
    March 27, 21:33 Reply

    wht type of proof
    me hearing 1st time

    me toooo dear
    but sad thig is tht
    on the xam there will be 2 days
    whr i will get word prblems n xplain
    i hate it

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 27, 21:36

      Oh, well proofs really suck and are really hard. Proofs are problems in which you have to explain why you do every step. They are long and boring. πŸ™ When is your exam? πŸ™‚ I have one tomorrow. πŸ™

  6. zaaru
    March 27, 21:30 Reply

    u welcome swthrt

    stupid word prblm graph
    which i hate more dn anything in math
    i hate word prblems n graphing

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 27, 21:31

      Me too. I hate reading and words in math… πŸ™ Have you heard of proofs? πŸ™‚

  7. zaaru
    March 27, 21:27 Reply

    awww my swty pie ws sick
    so sad dear
    hppy to hear u feeling good nw

    ws kitchen this long dear
    nw cme bk room n doing math hw
    n saw u so cme to tlk with u

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 27, 21:28

      Awwwwwww…thanks dear. πŸ™‚ I love chatting with you. So what are you guys doing in math? πŸ™‚

  8. zaaru
    March 27, 21:24 Reply

    yes dear
    long time no tlk with u so sad na
    me ok ok
    hw r u
    missed u

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 27, 21:25

      I feel great. πŸ™‚ Gotten a lot better since I was sick. πŸ™‚ I missed you too, sweety. πŸ™ So whatchya doing? πŸ™‚

  9. SaMud4Ever
    March 27, 21:22 Reply

    10. Kumud hears Kabir coming and hides. Kabir looks at the drawers opened and checks his cupboard. He sees his books misplaced and says I kept it right, how did this happen. He sees the window open and looks out. Kumud hides beside it.
    Lols. How does Kabir remember he put his book straight? I mean who remembers such things. πŸ™‚

  10. SaMud4Ever
    March 27, 21:22 Reply

    10. Kumud hears Kabir coming and hides. Kabir looks at the drawers opened and checks his cupboard. He sees his books misplaced and says I kept it right, how did this happen. He sees the window open and looks out. Kumud hides beside it.
    Oh no, Kabir found out someone has surely looked through his room. Now he will try to find out who, and maybe our poor Kumud will get caught. Let’s have our fingers crossed that she won’t get in trouble. Seriously, the whole time my heart was in my mouth, as I was so scared she would get caught. Once I saw her hiding outside the window, I was assured that our Kumud Sundari is too strong and brave to ever caught. Love you Kumud and hope you continue to prosper in finding Kabir’s real character. πŸ™‚

    • SaMud4Ever
      March 27, 21:23

      Hey Zaaru!!! πŸ™‚ Itna din ho gayi aur hamne chat nahi kiya… πŸ™ How are you, honey? πŸ™‚

  11. SaMud4Ever
    March 27, 21:20 Reply

    9. Kumud sees the house model and is shocked. She thinks about Kabir and his favors on her family. Kabir comes to his room and opens the lock. Kumud thinks Kabir is planning big, its a big danger on our home.
    JACKPOT!!! :0 Good job, Kumud!!! πŸ™‚ I am so proud of you. Teer sahi nishaan par gayi… πŸ™‚ Perfect evidence. Now Kumud knows Kabir isn’t here for any joke, he is planning some huge plan that involves their whole family and mansion. I loved how they went through all of the favors Kabir has done and how they look so unbelievable now. Hope Kumud finds out the whole truth and saves her family and home. πŸ™‚ Come on Kumud; I have full faith in you, that you will accomplish your goals and won’t let a single thing happen to your family. Love you Kumud and once again congratulations on uncovering such a huge factor in Kabir’s true identity… πŸ™‚ Now you can be relieved as all your doubts were true. I hope you can convince Saras, that there is something fishy about Kabir. πŸ™‚

  12. SaMud4Ever
    March 27, 21:16 Reply

    8. She looks around and checks his cupboard. Kabir comes home.
    Come on Kumud, you have to find something. πŸ™‚ And please hide before Kabir comes inside the room… πŸ™‚ I had my fingers crossed and was praying that she finds something. Lols. πŸ™‚

  13. SaMud4Ever
    March 27, 21:15 Reply

    7. She checks his room and also his laptop. She tries entering the passwords but can’t.
    Lols. When she had this shocked face while she was on the laptop, I thought she had seen Gumaan’s picture on his laptop. But then it showed that she wasn’t getting the password. Lols. Silly me. Me and my dumb thoughts. πŸ™‚

  14. SaMud4Ever
    March 27, 21:14 Reply

    6. Kumud sees the lock on Kabir’s room and says it means he has hidden something in it. She checks the windows and tries to open. The window opens. She gets inside the room.
    Kumud is so intelligent and the best jasoos. Lols. πŸ™‚ She is taking a huge risk, but I hope she is successful and finds some evidence against Kabir. πŸ™‚ Good luck Kumud!!! πŸ™‚

  15. SaMud4Ever
    March 27, 21:13 Reply

    5. She says don’t think of going from here. He says I have to go else Danny won’t be happy. She says what about your happiness. He gets upset.
    Yeh waali line siddha meri dil pein lagi. πŸ™ Bichaara Saras…I felt so bad for him when he said, Khushi, with confusion. Poor thing, feels alone in life and feels he has no happiness in the world. I can’t bear to see him like this. I felt like crying seeing him so sad and seeing a tear fall from his eye. πŸ™ I hope Badimaa can convince him and I will support her!!! πŸ™‚ Love you Saras, and I just can’t wait for all the misunderstandings to be cleared. πŸ™‚

  16. SaMud4Ever
    March 27, 21:10 Reply

    4. He says Kumud taught me to live, i will be blank without both of them.
    Exactly Saras. If you can realize this, then you obviously shouldn’t leave. You can’t leave without Danny and he can’t live without you. You can’t live without Kumud, and she can’t live without you. Please don’t leave them alone… πŸ™ They are both your lives and responsibilities!!! πŸ™‚

  17. SaMud4Ever
    March 27, 21:08 Reply

    3. , after mum, Danny was closer to me, I have done his upbringing like you did mine.
    Awwwwwwww…loved Saras’ expressions when he said, “Mai jaise aapne mujhe bada ki jab me chota thi, waise hi maine Danny ko bada kiya”. Haye main toh fida ho gayi Saras par jab usne yeh line bola… πŸ™‚ He is just too cute and innocent. πŸ™‚ Love you Saras.

  18. SaMud4Ever
    March 27, 21:04 Reply

    2. She says what about Kumud, can you stay without her.

    He says I did not think about this
    Yeah, Saras, what would happen to our Kumud, if you left her alone? πŸ™

  19. SaMud4Ever
    March 27, 21:03 Reply

    Scenes and moments from Wednesday’s episode:

    1. Badimaa and Saras talk about Kumud. She says so you will leave after Navratri, did you told me anything till now, I always know whats in your heart. He says if I don’t go, then Danny will go, nothing else can happen. Badimaa says try. He says i tried but, let it go now. Danny is hurt seeing me, I should go, it would be better.
    Awwwwwwwwwww…our Badimaa knows our Saras too well. πŸ™‚ Please Saras, don’t leave us. πŸ™ I hope Badimaa can convince him from leaving Danny and Kumud, the two most important people in his life. Saras should realize that although it seems Danny would be happy seeing him leave, truly he would be hurt even more. Come on Saras; you have to stay strong!!! πŸ™‚

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