Sasural Simar Ka 3rd August 2012 Written Update

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Sasural Simar Ka 3rd August 2012 Written Update by deepika_fun

Episode starts with Mataji telling Prem that he should come to marriage as they are very close to Prem…Prem tells but simar is alone…Mataji tells ” Uma or Pari any one will stay with Simar”…Uma and pari doesn’t like as they are willing to go to marriage…Khusi tells “she will stay with Simar”…Mataji agrees…Simar is shocked…Simar tells she will go to room and take rest.

Simar comes to room and happy to see Room filled with teddy bear’s,barbie dolls and many dolls…Simar goes near a girl doll and picks it up and is happy…prem goes to room and asks Did she like all these…Simar tells “she liked”…prem says…” this is only beginning..he gives more to Simar”..PRESIM hug each other…Simar thinks if i did not get Roli’s letter in time..our happiness would have gone …Prem says “he is not willing to go to marriage leaving Simar alone”…Simar tells She will take care of herself. prem nods and leaves..

Simar goes near cupboard and opens a desk…and sees Roli and Simar’s combined photo…and sees the letter of Roli…

Flashback is shown

Simar taking the Ironed clothes…placing those clothes in her wadrobe…picking up

cellphone and while leaving sees the letter,picks the letter and reads…


Simar didi,

your life is in danger… Khusi told that She will teach you a lesson…The warning Khusi gave her that she will pray for god about you and your child and laughed evilly … and Nazar hati durghatna ghati (Moment you get your eyes off you will meet with an accident) ..that’s the reason why I was in temple..


After reading letter Simar went near Pari and asked her to come..pari said she will come…Simar went to car and said to khusi that Someother person is also comming with us…pari comes and all the three sitting in car..

Flashback is over…

Simar thinks that ” If your letter didn’t reach me in time…i would have lost my happiness…I am very lucky to get a sister like you…who thinks of my safety..I said to go you out of the house…So that you could leave happily..But still you are thinking of me and worrying about my safety…


Sid is seriously thinking …Roli comes with breakfast and tells Sid to eat the hot breakfast…Sid is about to eat..Simar calls Roli…Sid sees Roli’s phone Simar calling…Sid tells ” My stomach is full” and leaves…Roli is hurt…

Simar calls once again…Roli thinks there might be any problem to Simar and takes the call…Roli asks…” How are you didi? ” Simar tells She is fine and asks ” how is she? “.Roli tells she is fine too…Simar asks about Sidharth..Roli tells Sidharth ji is also fine…

Simar tells she read your letter..She took pari also with her to hospital…Simar tells…I asked you to leave Bharadwaj house so that you could live happily…still you are worrying about me…Roli says How can i leave happily didi? My happiness is you(Roli …Roli What about Sid)

Roli tells the wholething how khusi warned when they are leaving to temple…What Khusi did in Temple…Khusi dropping oil…How she placed diya’s…She also tells that at Simar’s birthday party …Khusi wantedly made me notice the poison bottle…so that She(Roli) would confront the thing infront of family…So that khusi can prove Roli is wrong…Then she can make me to go out of the house…Simar is shocked listening all this…

Roli tells Simar that we should bring her truth in front of family..Simar says we should prove her with the evidence .Otherwise..You(Roli) Should stand more worse infront of Bharadwaj family…She cannot tolerate Roli’s insult any more…Roli cries…

Roli wipes her tears and says There is one way to prove khusi is wrong…Roli tells the jewellery in mataji’s room…Roli says that khusi would have sold that jewellery and kept the fake one’s…Roli tells to identify whether they are fake or real…Pari comes to Simar’s room and tells Mataji is calling..Simar cuts the call and goes downstairs…

Mataji tells Simar we are leaving …Manoranjan jokes we have to leave there will be lots of sweets there…Prem and sujata tells Simar to take care…Simar tells Sujata that she did not wore any jewellery…she will bring a necklace…khusi is once again stubborn and tells Sujata ma is good looking..Due to necklace..sujata ma’s matching may distrub…manoranjan tells with necklace sujata will look more beautiful and tells simar to get necklace…Simar is suprised by khusi’s words…Episode ends on Khusi’s wicked face…

PRECAP:- Simar comes to know the necklaces are fake…Simar thinks she should go down and tell every one about this

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