Sasural Simar Ka 6th July 2012 Written Update

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Sasural Simar Ka 6th July 2012 Written Update by sheenug

Episode starts with Khushi taking a call from some stranger. Stranger taunts Khushi how she has managed to escape from Rosy Bar to Bhardwaj family. Then he praises her and asks her that how she managed to con such a fat goat (Mota Bakra). Khushi replies him back by saying that no need to act stylish and he must come to the point. Stranger laughs at her and repeats her sentence “must come to the point” and asks her money 25 Lakhs. He says to her that it’s a very small amount for such a big family in which she is now. He warns to her that he needs that money by next day evening. He says that he’s going to wait for where they usually meet before. He again warns her that if she will not come then he will meet her personally. Khushi replies her back that he doesn’t need to bother and whatever money he is asking for, he will get but he must not call her in future.
Khushi was talking on phone while moving suddenly she bump into Manoranjan Masi. Mano Masi saw her phone and asked her that who is calling her in midnight. Khushi got scared and reples her that it’s a wrong number. Khushi tries to move from there but Mano Masi shouts from back “this time and wrong number?” Khushi ignored her and moves from there. Mano Masi talks to herself that what type of phone call is this that she got sweat completely. Mano says that she definitely needs to find out that this is a wrong number or right number. She says or either this girl is telling a wrong story.

Khushi was moving fast and panics that one problem doesn’t end and other starts. She says that how come he (stranger) came now and asked her 25 Lakhs. She panics about the money, as how will she arrange that amount of money. Then she thinks of Sankalp and goes to her room. Sankalp asked her about the tea as she went to make tea from her room. She replies to Sankalp that she doesn’t need to make tea now, as her headache is now better. She comes near to Sankalp and tells him that due to his head massage her headache pain goes away. She tells Sankalp that it’s his love effect but love doesn’t feed them and they need money too. She asks Sankalp that weather he gets money for working in his office. Sankalp replies her back by saying that he started going to office just now so bank balance in less but soon it will increase. Sankalp replies her back by saying that soon they will not have any problem for money and love both.

Sankalp was sleeping in his bed and khushi was deeply thinking about the phone call that she had received. Then she says that her husband is empty so how will she arrange 25 lakhs. She remembers the scene when Karuna opened the safe loaded with money and jewelry and mataji asked Karuna for keys so that she can give back to Simer in morning. Then she looks at Sankalp who was still sleeping and moves from her room. She opens Mataji’s room door where Mataji was sleeping. Then she enters her room to searched keys for the safe. She searched for keys all over but keys were under Mataji’s pillow. Khushi then takes out the safe keys from Mataji’s pillows safely. Khushi then slowly moves towards the safe and tries to open the safe door with those keys. She easily opened the safe door and takes out jewelry from the safe in pouch and again closes the safe door with those keys. Khushi again puts the keys under Mataji’s pillows and moves from her room.
She was quickly moving from there but Roli calls her from her back. She turns back and hides jewelry pouch. Roli asked her that what was she doing in Mataji’s room so late. Roli asked her what was she hiding behind her. Roli again asked her what was she doing so late in Mataji’s room. Khushi replies her that she was passing by her room and heard mataji’s sound. Then she went to her room for her foot massage. Roli stares at her badly. Khushi then asked her why she was staring at her so badly. Khushi then says to her that she gave the foot massage to mataji then she was able to sleep. Khushi then says that she needs to go now but Roli stops her and asks that she didn’t tell her what she was hiding in her hands. Khushi then replies to Roli that it’s her important stuff and if she wants see then she can show her. Khushi then taunts Roli that she already made enough stories about her and now wants to make her thief too. Khushi asks Roli why she always questions her. Khushi then says to Roli that if she has any doubts about her she must ask in front of entire family not alone. Roli remembers Simer words and thinks that she is doing so much drama so it’s clear that she did some mistake. Roli then thinks that if she does anything without valid proof then it will create big trouble for her. Khushi again taunts Roli that either she tells her mistake or let her go. Khushi then says that she is tired enough and moves from there. Khushi then enters her room and hides jewelry in her closet under her sarees. She then blabbers that Roli is always behind her soul and she must do something about her. She then closes the closet door and comeback to her bed where Sankalp was sleeping peacefully. She again blabbers that she did big task and now she will sell all jewelry to arrange 25 Lakhs. She again wonders that how will she go in the morning to sell the jewelry.

In morning
Uma and Pari were arranging dining table for the breakfast. Pari says to Uma that khushi was claiming that she would be better DIL than them. The teacher came before student and the student is still missing. Pari asks where she was. Khushi came down in a hurry downstairs. Uma then saw khushi coming down and calls her. Uma tells khushi that she will teach her how to become the ideal DIL of house. Pari also says that she will teach her how to respect elders”but Khushi interrupts her in between by saying not now as she don’t want to learn anything at the moment. Uma and Pari shocked to hear such rude reply and went to their work. Khushi then wonders that what she has done as she needs them for future. She thinks that false coins also work sometimes. She came near them (Uma & Pari) and made excuse that she needs to go temple and she will learn everything in the evening. She apologizes to them. Mano Masi comes there asking for food, as she was hungry. She asks Pari and Uma to bring some food. Rajendra comes there and asks to Mano masi to be patient as he thinks that breakfast is getting ready in the kitchen. Mataji also comes there. Suryendra replies Rajendra that he is also very hungry. Mano masi happily says to Surendra that he is a Xerox copy of her. Mataji sits at her table suddenly Simer enters with tea tray. Simer asks them to start breakfast with hot tea. Roli also says that here is hot breakfast for them. Entire family sits at dining table Khushi tries to take mataji’s blessings but she doesn’t get it. Karuna saw that mataji didn’t respond to Khushi’s feet touching. Karuna says to mataji that she very well knows that Mataji is angry from Khushi after “muh dikhai” ritual but she must forget that’.mataji interrupts her by saying that she knows whatever happened cannot be changed but it can’t be ignored also so easily. Sujata comes there. Khushi apologizes to mataji and asks her to forgive. Khushi says to mataji that she will soon become good DIL. Sujata replies to Khushi by saying, Why not? She will definitely become good DIL as she has decided already. Suryendra praises Sujata’s statement. Suryendra tells Khushi, “Where there is a will, there is a way”. Prem, Siddhant and Sankalp also join them on breakfast table. Mataji tells everybody to start the breakfast as everybody came. Mano says thanks to Mataji for giving permission to start breakfast. Everybody started breakfast and Simer and Roli happily served them. Khushi was standing near Mataji and worrying about something. Mataji notices that and asks her why she is not having breakfast. She replies to mataji that she fasting for Sankalp and family. She asks mataji’s permission for temple visit.

Precap: Stranger calls Khushi that she needs to meet him so she is coming or not. Khushi tells stranger to have patience as she is coming to meet him.

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