Sony TV’s Anamika to take the route of 1990 classic movie Ghost

Many of us may be familiar with the 1990 Oscar winning movie Ghost starring Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg. A legendary scene in the movie is of Sam Wheat (Patrick Swayze) as a ghost trying to communicate with his girlfriend Molly Jensen (Demi Moore) while she cries over his dead body. He realises that he is a ghost whose presence simply cannot be seen or heard.

Last night on Sony TV’s Anamika (Producers: Mahesh Pandey and Vikas Seth) you watched the pre-cap wherein Rano is seen haplessly crying out to her husband Jeet (Mudit Nayar) who is mourning her death at her funeral pyre. She wonders as to why he is crying, only to be informed by a gruff supernatural voice that she is dead. Her husband cannot hear her plaintiff cry for help.

This scene seemed to hark back our memory to the movie Ghost. We called up our source to verify if we were correct. She informed, “You have indeed hit the nail on the head. We are taking a route inspired by the movie Ghost. Anamika was getting too repetitive with the chudail Anamika going on creating havoc. We hence decided to kill Rano, yet continue with the character albeit in a different avatar. No, she will not be brought back to life. She will become a ghost who will try her level best to communicate with her husband but her aggrieved cry will fall on his deaf ears as she is not a human in flesh and blood anymore.”

We have also heard about actress Shivani Surve entering the show. We asked our source what her role in the show will be. Will she be Mudit’s love interest? Our source told us, “Honestly, I am clueless about that as it hasn’t be decided as yet. What is confirmed though is that she will play the role that Whoopi Goldberg played as Oda Mae in Ghost.”

In Ghost Oda Mae was the only person who could hear Sam when he was the ghost. She conveyed Sam’s messages to Molly. Our source added, “Chavvi, the character Shivani will essay will be the only person who can hear Rano as a spirit. She will act as a messenger between Rano and Jeet.”

Ghost had many memorable scenes like Molly who thinks Oda is a fraud starting to believe her when she happens to know the pet name by which only Sam would call her, Sam learning to move objects when a fellow ghost tells him that the secret to move objects is by using his heart instead of his non-existent muscles to move them, Sam sharing a final dance with Molly before being welcomed to his afterlife by thousands of heavenly angels and evil characters being forcibly snatched to the dark underworld by demons after death.

It will be interesting to watch how Anamika goes the Ghost way. If indeed Chavvi falls in love with Jeet it will be entertaining to watch how she is in a dilemma to playing Cupid between Rano and Jeet.

We tried calling Mudit but he remained unavailable.

For more updates on the show keep watching this space.

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