Suryaputra Karn 17th March 2016 Written Update

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Suryaputra Karn 17th March 2016 Written Update by MA

Suryaputra Karn 17th March 2016 Written Episode

The episode starts with Vasudev Krishna giving start of the episode moral gyaan. Karn follows masked Vrishasen thinking him as Samb and warns him to return Laxmana, else he will die unnecessarily. Vrishasen continues running. Karn shoots arrow and Vrishasen falls down. Karn sees Samb standing on other and asks masked Vrishasen who is he. Vrishasen says only a tiger can confront tiger and removes his mask. Karn is shocked to see his son Vrishasen.

Virat raj fumes in front of Pandavs that Samb kidnapped Laxmana and injured Uttar’s feelings, even then Vasudev Krishna is silent. Arjun says if Vasudev is silent, there must be some reason. Vasdev plays gambling with Dau Balram and loses. Dau says he is surprised to see him losing for the first time. Vasudev says he is waiting for the game to end.

Karn tells Vrishasen that he is doing sin by helping Samb kidnap Laxmana. Vrishasen says even he helped Duryodhan kidnap Laxmana’s mother, he is just following his father’s path by fulfilling friendship duty. Their argument continues. Vrishasen picks arrow and warns Karn to back off, else he will shoot. Karn gets emotional seeing this and reminisces first time holding toddler Vrishasen.

Krishna continues gambling with Dau. Draupadi comes and asks Krishna who can he sit so calmly when a big disaster is happening. Dau asks why will disaster happen until he is there. Draupadi informs him whole incident of Samb kidnapping Laxmana. Dau gets up and asks Krishna to come with him. Krishna asks why is he leaving game incomplete. Dau says he can play game and walks out angrily.

Vrishasen warns Karn to back off, but Karn continues walking towards him. Vrishasen shoots arrow. Karn drops his bow and stands in a shock. His kavacha kundal/protective gear activates and arrow breaks hitting him. Vrishasen says he warned him. Karn says he heard it and saw what mistake his son did.

Duryodhan comes with shakuni and shouts at Vrishasen how dare he is to attack his friend. He then realizes he is Karn’s son and asks Karn if he is Vrishasen. Karn says he is. Duryodhan asks if he knows what mistake he did and says it is all because of trickster Krishna’s son Samb. Samb says he loves Laxmana and warns Duryodhan to stay away. Dau enters and throws his plough/weapon. Duryodhan asks if he will attack his friend. Dau says his nephew did wrong, but he is not bad.

Precap: Duryodhan asks Balram why is he taking Samb’s side who kidnapped his daughter. Samb says he loves Laxmana. Duryodhan throws gadha on Samb. Laxmana comes and shouts to stop.

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