Tumhari Pakhi 3rd January 2014 Written Update

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Tumhari Pakhi 3rd January 2014 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Tumhari Pakhi 3rd January 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Pakhi being questioned at the police station. They scold Pakhi and talk to her rudely. They ask her personal questions too about her childhood and past life. Pakhi answers them well and says Ayaan is my son. Pakhi is brought back to her cell. Anshuman comes to meet Pakhi. Pakhi holds his hand and cries. Anshuman feels bad. She says I wanted to make a place in Ayaan’s heart but could not. She says I can fight with the whole world, but not Ayaan. Ayaan hates me. Anshuman says Pakhi, I have hired the best lawyer, I will free you from here, you will be bailed out, don’t worry.

He holds her hand and music plays……………… He turns and feels her touch. She looks at him and he leaves. He scolds Ayaan for doing this. Lavanya says I will talk to Ayaan. Anshuman leaves angrily and comes out of the police station. He asks everyone to go home as he is going to the court to get bail.

Ayaan comes home and is angry. Lavanya and Girish come to him. Lavanya says this was not right, why did you do this. Lavanya says this is not done, you got her arrested without any reason. She asks why did you do this. Ayaan does not answer her. Lavanya asks again and he says don’t ask me, you know eveything, I hate her. He says she was sending me to hostel, so I planned to send her jail. Ayaan says everyone are scolding me, no one loves me, I hate her. Lavanya looks at Girish. Ayaan runs outside.

Anshuman talks to the lawyer and asks him to get the bail. The lawyer says  I will try my best. Girish talks to Ayaan bringing him to Pakhi’s room. Girish explains him to think about Pakhi. He says she is trying not to send you to hostel and you think she is your enemy. He says Pakhi has stopped Anshuman, you can tell the truth to everyone. He says no, I hate her and will always hate her. He leaves. Girish calls Anshuman. Anshuman says I m waiting for the bail. He asks the lawyere did you get the bail. The lawyer says no, its a child’s case, he won’t allow bail.

Anshuman says we will try with some other judge. Mr. Rana comes and takes the phone from Anshuman. Anshuman says you don’t know, Pakhi is in jail. Mr. Rana says even you wanted this right, Ayaan did what you could not do, let her be in jail. Anshuman says she is Mrs. Anshuman Rathore, my image is also at stake. Mr. Rana says you wanted this and its happening. He says its proving that Pakhi is not your type and everyone will find her wrong as she tortured your son, everyone will hate her, so let her be in jail.

Mr. Rana says her relatives will come and take her with them. Anshuman says I want her out of my life, but does not want to ruin her life, I can’t fall so much. Mr. Rana says I have another plan, to bring her out of jail and send her out of your life. He tells Anshuman. (Muted) Mr. Rana says the court is closing now, today nothing can happen, I advice you to change your perspective. Anshuman looks on. Mr. Rana leaves.

Pakhi is in the cell. She thinks about Chutki and cries. Anshuman is at home being restless. He sees himself. Girish comes and says I m sorry Anshuman, I tried to talk to Ayaan but he hates Pakhi a lot. Anshuman breaks a painting. Girish looks on.

Anshuman says so I wanted her to go from here, she does not understand she won’t get a family, nothing will change here. She will get only insult here. he says I have become what I was not, I hate to see my reflection. He says you ask Pakhi to go from here, she will understand, she respects you, she is a nice girl, she will go. This place of like Mr. Rana’s place. She hopes from me, she is my responsibility, I will do what Mr. Rana said. He says I m having a big burden on my heart. Girish says you proved me wrong today.

Girish says I thought you want Pakhi to go from here as you will be happy, but I now know that you want her to go so that she can stay happy. He says I m seeing a soft hearted Anshuman Rathore for the first time. He says is this change because of Pakhi, Pakhi is not from those girls, who breaks relations, Pakhi’s heart has you in it, even if you break it as mirror, you will see only yourself. Girish smiles.

Girish says how much you try, you won’t be able to take yourself out of her heart. Anshuman says I don’t love her, I can;t give her any love which he expects from me, I know she is good, beautiful and brought good changes in my house, but I care for her, no love. Girish says love and care are similar, there is not much difference between them. Girish leaves. Anshuman thinks about Girish’s words and Pakhi’s tears.

Anshuman talks to Pakhi and says I have one way, if we say someone died at your home, they will let you go. Pakhi says I won’t go, Ayaan is my responsibility. Mr. Rana says let her be in jail. Anshuman says no, I will get her bail out.

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    • Tania
      September 20, 00:34

      I luv paakhi and anshuman

  1. TP...fan ;-)
    January 04, 16:45 Reply

    this is cool the 3 of you.

    phoenix I think you have to use that hypnotising thing and dear,

    your honor, may I say that I have not yet deliberates with my client, but I need not say that she is deeply in love, and the emotional pain asks for a fee.
    That all this time my client used to sit and listen and talk and chat all those precious hours…….
    which will not come back thy noble one
    You see she has a beautiful length, could be a model but did not chase it and for what …… that what we call love
    Your Excellency, my client needs peace and needs to rest, so its plausible
    She Believes she is not good for >>>>>> thats why your honor, before taking this into consideration ……… think about all the youngsters out there like her friends who are inexperienced in love and want to meet their romeo once.

    thats all

    • Suni
      January 04, 16:58

      Thank you 🙂 . .
      Well said , bravo , bravo :D. .
      But he’s a guy , he won’t understand such female logic . .
      He’s got the Y oh Y are you like that gene 🙂 . .
      He won’t fly to these parts 🙂 . . But I wish he could read your defence my dear attorney 🙂 .

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 04, 17:00

      Sorry , I changed 😐 . .
      But it changed back after one comment :-/

  2. Aaliyah
    January 03, 19:59 Reply

    okay sweet angels i geuss u both went to bed sleep well
    will c u both on monday
    drew thxs for this evening
    cam thxs for dont know what
    love u both lots mwah

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 20:00

      I’m here , I was just going to answer your Kamasutra ??? 🙂

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 20:05

      Ok , so population of India is 1.2347 billion , but unlike what people think that population isn’t just concentrated into one area . . Like I said there are 26 or 28 states I think now . .

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 20:06

      btw sweetie i love this gv of urs
      drew can u do me a favor plz

      would u plz thxs everyone for me on pv
      for their words also riz i read it just now
      and a silent reader loved her reply 😛
      she is ryt.

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 20:07

      There are different types of Indians , thought they have common history , they have different beliefs , practices even sub sects of the same religion

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 20:09

      Lucy Lu , you go rest dear, I’ll write my reply. You read it later . .
      It’s vert late by you .. .
      L❤️VE you , I wish you a restful night . .

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 20:09

      😀 hey 1234(56) 7 bil 🙁 thats a lot

      yes and india is big huge maybe there are some lost japs

      dark and handsome

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 20:12

      yes i go now,
      so if my calculation is correct there has to be another mister handsome with a darkside
      we have to go to india …maybe our other mission
      who knows even cam will find his adonis there 😉

      okay sweetie love u too and good night 😉

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 20:17

      Hahaha :):D . .
      Maybe , but none can be as tall , dark and handsome . . . . 😐 . . ,
      Oh , forget it , I’m opting out of the India mission , taking Angel sick leave 🙂 . .
      Let’s go to Ireland ,to see the flower gardens . . I want to find a rainbow , we will take rainbow guy and find a leprechaun 🙂 and a pot of gold . . .
      I’m not going India ever 😀 . . .

  3. Aaliyah
    January 03, 19:02 Reply

    drew u dont know how he feels
    and cam he dont want a dombo

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 19:04

      you must not forget what kind of culture they come from.

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 19:08

      Lucy , I don’t know his past too much .. ,
      I have an idea from my guesses , but the thigs he says and does sometimes . .
      I don’t get them . . Like he doesn’t care for what people think , but I believe he does . .

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 19:09

      many things are very common for us westerners. though you might have the same faith. but he breathes his culture and he lives 24/7 in that culture. though he would much comics and Hollywood movies and keep great bonding there is one thing he can never be forgotten, and that is his upbringing that generation after generation has passed

      drew you’ve had a very different upbringing
      and you too cam slightly more freely

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 19:11

      and so did I. so I really believe that they take many things into consideration

    • cam
      January 03, 19:12

      it’s true lucy, but don’t u think that one can express their sentiment a bit brighter??
      so another can understand each other??

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 19:13

      Lucy , pretty soon Cam will get you a new Japanese uncle 😀 . .

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 19:17

      drew one thing everybody does and thats care what others might say. everyone has that habit,
      I’m sure he protected his sister against anyone, so no one has to say nothing/something/anything about his sis and not even about his his parents aunts uncles and himself

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 19:18

      i want just this one uncle over this dtb
      m 161 but dont want any jap

    • cam
      January 03, 19:19

      lucy lu…how old are you my child 🙁

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 19:20

      Lucy , Cam I’ll explain . . I told you once b4 ..when I met him I had my boyfriend …
      I kinda just fell for him though . . We connected . .like I said would spend hours talking every chance we got . .
      At times I felt wrong for him because I couldn’t be free with him , I would want to run away from him , every time I felt that I had upset him by not being there or other things I can’t recall . .
      the relationship between me and my bf wasn’t perfect . . It told you , after I broke up with him , your uncle changed . . He felt guilty because I broke up with my bf . . I thought that he would feel less guilt .. . He pulled away , he accused me of betraying my bf . . of abandoning the person who loved me ..

    • cam
      January 03, 19:20

      I will bring u anshuman 😉

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 19:21

      17 and 3 months

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 19:23

      I guess it was ok to love me , but to never have me . .
      I dint know that , i used to not believe when he said that he never wants to marry . .

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 19:24

      fear of commitment, it’s what its called
      and don’t forget he is young 🙁

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 19:25

      Hahahaha 😀 .. ,
      Really you’ll get him for Lucy 😀 . .
      But just think , if you get a Jap , if ever he leaves , we can get another who looks just like him with ease 😀

    • cam
      January 03, 19:26

      bad experience in family
      by fam members, dearest close friends ??

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 19:27

      aaaawww….hahaha…yes I’ll blindfold myself and jump into the crowd and get some

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 19:28

      Lucy , that’s the age for marriage in India . .
      I have a friend from India , he’s 21 and he is ready for marriage with his girlfriend . .
      You should hear how he speaks about her 🙂 . How shy he is .. . He says he makes excuses to call her . . He has one more year of studies b4 he can ask for her hand . .

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 19:28

      i mean get me another one
      but i want taller kids with a jap i’ll have those liitle people kid likish 🙁

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 19:30

      m sry I just cant be married ryt now m to young and the world is toooo big so nope can not do

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 19:31

      He mentioned that only on the forum when I made him mad . .that I don’t know the background in which he grew up . . B4 he would say that I don’t know him at all . ..
      If I was right for him , no prob. would have existed . .

    • cam
      January 03, 19:32

      yes lucy I guess that addition and multiplication will be a lot of little tiny toddlers 😀 😀 😀 😀

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 19:33

      Lucy by me women mainly marry at age 28 and above . .
      Men marry in their 30’s rarely in their 20’s

    • cam
      January 03, 19:34

      u angels I dont believe in shy guys

      sorry really dont be;lieve in them

    • cam
      January 03, 19:36

      yeah and when lucy has to deliver we will go with our catching gloves you know baseball and you will flip them and drew and i will catch 😀

    • cam
      January 03, 19:38

      ok seriously now…I do believe in marriage
      and here they marry when they feel like
      they just go and get marrio and get married
      no age no nothing but no 15 16 whatsoever

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 19:38

      Hahahaha 😀 . .
      We have to be careful not to drop too many of them . .
      We have to turn them over so we don’t see their eyes or we will get scared and drop them 😀 😀 . ..

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 19:43

      Cam I had a few friends on fb and the guys are very family oriented . . In india also there is a lot of censorship .. . Many things are still taboo . . It depends a lot on the state . . There are 26 or 28 states in India
      One guy loved this girl , but he had two younger siblings and he had too make sure that they marry b4 him .. I mean the Indian guy takes on a lot or family responsibility on his shoulders and arranged marriages are still common . .

    • cam
      January 03, 19:47

      okay…respect for that, but I love it when the guy is like anshu or arnav a bit arogant but with a voice
      and its okay by me if he cares for his siblings as long as i dont have to live in the MIL house 🙁

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 19:52

      u know what I really dont understand
      and in that hindi film pardes the son said it also

      there are many things tabboo…okay..but the population there is humongous….and talking about tabboo
      maybe i’m wrong imformend who are the invemntors of Kamasutra is it india or any other country nearby -(

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 19:58

      Lucy Lu 😐 , I saw so many things wrong with that video 😀
      Firstly , the Lucy I know wouldn’t be scrubbing any step . . Nuh uh , no way Jose !!
      Secondly , were those boss’s pigeons ? I cracked up when the Japanese song started . ..
      Also you won’t run and hide from a guy on a horse 😀 , you’ll ask him what business he has there ? Why is he singing that crazy song with you 😛 . .
      That wicked queen would be dead , she wouldn’t have given you no poison Apple , you’re too smart for that 😀 . ..
      Also , where on earth would you ever find such a tall Jap 😉 ???

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 20:02

      hahahaha though he sang in jap for me

      let me be just me and find another one for me

      i still have 10 yrs ahead 😉

  4. salma (malsha)...
    January 03, 18:41 Reply

    Ok…miss him …ill not cum on dtb for sumtime
    dear good night ..sweet dreams …n tc…bye

  5. Aaliyah
    January 03, 18:05 Reply

    this is nice drew

    To accomplish great things, We must not only act, But also dream, Not only plan but also believe, Best wishes for New Year 2014.

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 18:08

      He posted it on PV , QH , Mahabharat , and SC page … same message . .
      But I’m still wondering why the GD page 🙂 . .

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 18:11

      do u still have to ask

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 18:12

      look at me his favourite niece/little sis 😀 😀

    • cam
      January 03, 18:14

      HAHAHAHAH yes drew did you think it was because of you?

      duh look at us …look at boss she had her war attire

      I had my battle disguise…and lucy tja she was blue 🙁

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 18:16

      I mean drew he is “wolverine” batman and all of those
      darkside comics and you were in what huh
      wr is ur battle how u call it cam attire?
      you were somewhere in a forrest dark and lonely 🙁

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 18:18

      No , never did the thought enter my head that it was for me 🙂 . .
      I just know you guyz spoke so much truth , Lucy went all lawyer on him and you with your bow . . 😀
      I guess the season just softened his heart a little . .

    • cam
      January 03, 18:20

      lucy this one u should read, its arevah awesome
      come u may also sit in my fav chair to reqad this one
      I dont want u to miss this one 😀 😀 😀

      Cam , maybe those eyes got opened o big that her head grew a few inches to accommodate
      them 😀 .. .
      Sorry Lucy , I couldn’t resist this one 😛 😐

    • cam
      January 03, 18:22

      yeah and lucy even prohibited me to reply on him 🙁

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 18:23

      I’m glad that u realised the comment was for us
      good girl 😉

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 18:23

      Hahaha 😀 yeah . . I was such a moron . . If only present me could find a time travel machine and go back and slap past me , I would . . But hey !! Past me helped to develop future me 😀 . .
      Sooo maybe , I don’t know . ,maybe I will just learn and move on an not look back . .
      He’s gonna be hard to forget . .
      But , I’m on the right track 🙂 . .

    • cam
      January 03, 18:24

      hey drew all jokes aside…u r really

      sticktoitiveness I mean u flew just behind under his wing

      didn’t he noticed u 😀 😛

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 18:26

      cam….poulchitroudiness friend

      THANK YOU for letting me know what drew said

      wat wil i do witout u camy 😀 😀

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 18:28

      HAHAHAHAHA LMBAO (the b is for black)

      maybe her radar wasn’t working cam

      the black box of her plane had crashed 😀

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 18:28

      He flew 3 inches above 🙂 . .
      My sticktoitiveness was nothing compared to his unwillingness 😀

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 18:30

      Hmmm. . Lucy Lu .. .
      You’re correct , I have no comeback , all intelligence went down for a while 😀 . .
      Yeah Cam thanks , I’m glad she didn’t miss that one 😀 . .

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 18:31

      hey drew…ur not a moron u dont have to say that
      let others do that, be youself best of the best
      like u said u learn from these things they are gladly no BIGIES… because of the time of the year and u missing ur mom it was more painful for u, but hey u have four shoulders to lean on, okay okay I knw your taller but hey I have those Ikea chairs I’ll stand on one and I’ll reach you up there above 😀

    • cam
      January 03, 18:35

      omg black lucy were u came up with that one

      u know I visualise it and its like I’m seeing u like a dwarf and just trying to get our atention…hey hey here down under hello hello drew can u hear me cam I’m here downstairs hahahahhaha
      (remember the washingmachine drew)

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 18:36

      Thanx Lucy , but I try to not lie to myself , sometimes I’m a moron and I must admit to it , so that I can move on and not repeat the same mistakes 🙂 .. .
      I guess we need to be down sometimes to appreciate up . .
      I have a good life otherwise , a lot going for me and like you say , 4 shoulders to lean on . .
      I need nothing more ❤️. .

    • cam
      January 03, 18:38

      but drew dear, he was that close and he didn’t want to
      maybe we should invite him to fly with us
      or he might be scared of us superwomen
      maybe he now knows he cant win from the other sexe

    • cam
      January 03, 18:40

      sunshine u have visitor, tell her we are all friends here

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 18:40

      Awww , Lucy , little one . .
      Wait you’re both little ones 😀 😛 . .
      ( nope Cam , I don’t remember the washing machine 😐 , the one that spat your clothes out or some other 😛 😛 ?? )

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 18:44

      Cam , trust me , I’m an angel but I’m not a saint .
      Some houses have too many coats of paint 😉 . .

    • cam
      January 03, 18:45

      hahahah yes m little compare 2 u 🙁
      I’m glad they invented HIGH HEELS m so glad with mah trift shop

      but when we went to the party and lucy kept saying she was with us, I threw her up into the washing machine

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 18:45

      Cam , he will never want to be anywhere near me 🙂 . .
      I guess it is just what I can call my destiny 😀

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 18:47

      hhmmmm… I wonder if thats the reason back then I was dizzy 🙁 ??

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 18:48

      Ohhh I’m remembering 😀 . .
      I think she is still all wrinkled and twisted from that experience 😛 . .
      Just look at her 😀 . .

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 18:48

      okay what about the house and paint ???
      I’m really too young to understand ur language
      plz in teenage language now u both 🙁

    • cam
      January 03, 18:50

      hahahah!! she thinks she is smart
      but she copy all what u do drew
      she has this hang/hung 🙁 to stocktoitiveness

    • cam
      January 03, 18:51

      don’t say that, like u said he is afraid of something
      he is hurt and want to forget.
      it’s not because of you….. you..drew..phoenix..suni

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 18:52

      Nah , Lucy Lu is one smart Angel . 😀 . .
      ( But ,just think Cam how smart she would be if she remembered all her experiences 😀 ! )

    • cam
      January 03, 18:52


    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 18:56

      Cam , I feel that way , I was no good for him . .
      I know how he feels .. . I know how I feel . .

      All this knowing
      Brings a lot of understanding
      My love couldn’t change his mind
      He’s not interested in my kind 🙂 . .
      I’m just gonna be moving on
      I’ll find another uncle for Lucy besides Don 😀

    • cam
      January 03, 18:59

      maybe u were thinking 2 much???
      he wants a dombo who when u say jump they ask how high
      I dont know just asking 🙁
      yes the poor gal needs another uncle asap 😉

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 19:00

      you both dont understand him one bit 🙁

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 19:01

      lets go up 😉

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 19:05

      All , I know he is a good person , but I was wrong for him I wish him only the best . .
      I have no anger towards him , no regrets . .
      It all happened as it was meant to happen .. .
      He will always hate me , he has his reasons , I guess .
      but , let him live with that hate . .
      I don’t know how to hate . ..

  6. Aaliyah
    January 03, 17:23 Reply

    ooooohh that lemur,
    yes i do remember the tiger…2day i was with my niece and we went shopping and that song was on the radio, we were .like 2 kid she was driving and we wre screaming that song out
    but noone could here cause windows of the car were closed
    it was stormy 2day

    • cam
      January 03, 17:24

      drew we are upstairs dear

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 17:25

      drew we are upstairs dear….cam do u know how hilarious it was a while ago when drew was on tp and you keep posting on gd page 😀 😀 hahahahahahaha

    • cam
      January 03, 17:26

      what did u buy 🙁
      a better gv !!

    • cam
      January 03, 17:29

      phoenix plz come here darling angel

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 17:30

      😀 . .
      I love that song . .
      Katy Perry has some really nice music . . Should show you guyz this funny video . .
      Hahah Cam , I’m still wondering where you got a purple light 😛 . .

    • cam
      January 03, 17:31

      even I found the way u spoke to him very nice lucy
      drew he was really scared, he posted something about death a fan of urs came spoke cryptical I know my english is not that okay but “” wt u mnt s dn do i spk t hr “”
      sorry drew with all du respect

    • cam
      January 03, 17:36

      from which planet do u think we r dear. I’m french but understand a bit english yes and have a radio on the thrift shop

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 17:37

      anshuman op and top.

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 17:38

      I sent him a message on this past Saturday , I didn’t apologise , but I explained , because he hates hearing people say sorry . . I was feeling sad and I had messaged him , but he had read and ignored my message . . I just became overwhelmed I guess . . I was missing him , I will admit . . I just felt like world’s end 😐 . .
      First Christmas without my mom and my thoughts were already on self pity . . I kept wondering why the people I love leave 😐 . .

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 17:39

      do u still have that late 50’s radio radio cam?
      🙁 I tought u had a new one by now
      it’s a classic huh 😉

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 17:40

      I saw he also post a comment on gd 23th or 24th
      have u seen it,

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 17:40

      I’m really sorry for worrying and stressing you Angels . .
      It’s not going to happen ever again . . I’m just explaining my lunatic at times thinking 🙂 . .
      You angels made me feel so love . . ❤️❤️
      Thank you !!

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 17:43

      don’t worry 2day you 2morrow me
      or cam or always you and cam or always cam cam cam
      love you babe 😉

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 17:44

      Lucy Lu 🙂 . .
      Did you see tha I got you a neutraliser for Christmas ??
      Wrapped up in a pink bow 🙂

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 17:49

      yes cam what about ur greek adonis??

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 17:50

      neutralizer in a pink bow????

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 17:51

      😀 , so I guess that would make Boss , Mr Warner 😀 . .
      Btw , didn’t Boss say that she’ll be here today ??

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 17:52

      You didn’t see it below your tree ? ?
      Cam cone back , I won’t speak about him again 😀 promise 🙂

    • cam
      January 03, 17:53

      okay its official, we are lunatics
      thxs lucy, 😉
      yes there were a couple of nice guys but I dont like them
      they are small , little, short, petit 🙁
      huhhuh nope and end of the month I have to go to japan

    • cam
      January 03, 17:56

      yes she did say she will be here 2day 😥
      boss oh dear boss were are u 😥

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 17:59

      Japan ?? So that why you were speaking Japanese b4 Cam 😛 . .
      I don’t like petite guys , I’m tall 5″8 and I’m not anorexic either 🙂 , so need a strong guy . .
      Cam , those Japanese , Chinese , they all look the same 🙂 . ..
      If you find a guy there you might have to tag him or better yet , turn him purple to identify him 😛 😛

    • cam
      January 03, 18:01

      dear ur 1.68 cm ??

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 18:06

      ahw..I’m 1.68 I tought we r the same height 🙂

    • cam
      January 03, 18:08

      lucy, are u on the makha????

      once u said u r 160 or 61

    • cam
      January 03, 18:10

      I’m 1.65 not long but those greek geeks yak nope
      not my cup of tea

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 18:10

      sry mom said in ur dreams sweetheart ur 161

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 18:11

      Cam , maybe those eyes got opened o big that her head grew a few inches to accommodate
      them 😀 .. .
      Sorry Lucy , I couldn’t resist this one 😛 😐

  7. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 03, 16:54 Reply

    Lucy Lu , do you want to tell us about anything ?
    We are here for you Angel ❤️

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 16:59

      not now sweetie, 😉
      but thxs.. i know I can talk 2 u both
      thank you very much thats y i love u angels

    • cam
      January 03, 17:04

      I guess lucy someone is on fb ryt now 🙁 🙄

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 17:05

      😀 yes there goes her brains again
      its the heart who’s talking now 😉

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 17:07

      Noooo waaaaaay !!!
      I’m off the fb land forever and ever !!!

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 17:07

      I think once u loved someone it isn’t that easy to forget
      you want to think with ur head nut the rt wins over and over again 🙁

      I’ll stay single

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 17:08

      It’s over , behind me and done with . .
      Still having feelings , might always have feelings . .
      But my brain has belated my heart with a very bug stick 😀 .
      . I was just showing you guyz 🙂 . . Because it was there . .

    • cam
      January 03, 17:09

      yeah yeah ….okay ryt now stand let see its now 6:o9
      at ur place stand up and stay that way a minute

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 17:11

      cam what will u do….proove…are still on the makha 🙁

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 17:12

      Nah Lucy Lu , don’t think that way . .
      I think I fell for a fantasy and he couldn’t exist in reality perhaps . .
      So , don’t not believe in finding love because you hear about a few bad experiences . .
      It’s out there somewhere over the rainbow 🙂 . . .

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 17:12

      of course feelings are no outlet

    • cam
      January 03, 17:14

      nothing lucy lu…just a game …the hunger games
      she stand up a minute even I did and u 2
      and drew ur ryt feelings u have for him and you dont have to be ashamed of it
      this r beautiful feelings, and like u said it was 2sided
      thus remeber that always he cant stop u for remembering

    • cam
      January 03, 17:16

      yes and i love to see guys
      do you have more pics of guys 😀

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 17:18

      There is only one truth but many perspectives I guess Cam 🙂 . .
      He can remember what he wants and I will remember what I want to 🙂 . .

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 17:19

      yes ur ryt drew…. maybe when I see my romeo…on that white horse
      might think of you angels 😉
      how my romeo come and take me away on his white horse with a rose (not a rododendron hihihi)

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 17:20

      Hahaha 😀 . ..
      For a long time I only wanted to see just his pics. so I don’t have any others . .
      I have friends , but no one serious . .
      You never told us if you got your Greek Adonis slave or not 😛

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 17:26

      Lucy Lu .. . you were brilliant the way you spoke to him . .
      But , I have to say , I never told him that about you guys , I never got to explain . .
      But , I did tell him that I felt alone in this world and that I didn’t want to be here anymore and he got scared I guess , he said those words to get a reaction from me , but I only came online days after . . It was my fault . . He said he was thinking that because of him that I might harm myself . . He said he doesn’t love nor care for me , but he just didn’t want it to be because of him 😐 . .
      Months ago , his story was so much different . . You would not believe . .
      He knows about Ivy , I sent him a message via a friend , he was shocked and prayed for her , but I think that he feels bad about the last time he spoke with her . . He might blame me for that also I think . .

  8. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 03, 16:41 Reply

    Cam , my comment b4 this one . . Can you go there for a bit where I went please , and look at the fb comments . . The middle comment . . Look at the pic please. . .

    • cam
      January 03, 16:47

      🙁 didn’t c wr u went angel ???

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 16:48

      Ok , I’ll go again , look at the comments now 🙂

    • cam
      January 03, 16:53

      I believe that’s the one that made you drool

    • cam
      January 03, 16:54

      good looking 😀 😉
      must invite for a makha party 😀

    • cam
      January 03, 16:55


      ur no cougar 😀

      the middle of course 🙁 DUH

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 16:56


    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 16:57

      Yes , the pic in the middle with the new year wishes and the guy in the middle of two friends is him Lucy Lu 🙂

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 16:58

      Nah , I’m no cougar 😀 . .
      Maybe just a lemur 😐 sometimes

    • cam
      January 03, 17:00

      I beleive till this day ur name is lucy and mine cam
      who invited u to go anywhere ??? huh

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 17:02

      😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 17:02

      who’s lemur drew?? 🙁

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 17:04

      Hahaha . . 😀 . .
      Lucy , come here let me see that burn that you got from Cam 😀 . .
      Cam , it’s here curiosity that gets her and us in trouble on our missions . .

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 17:06

      I used to be a lemur with the big dreary eyes more often than I was a cougar 🙂 .
      But , I’m working on having the eyes of the tiger . .if you can remember the song 😀 . .

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 16:41

      sorry dear drew I know its long but I think our purple friend cam has a little to much now

      She waited 18 years for an answer, to close the pages of their story. As Paakhi awaits Anshuman to tie the loose strings of her story, she stands strong, undeterred and hopeful.

      Based on legendary writer Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay’s popular novel ‘Navvidhan’, the show explores the intricacies of human relationships and the delicate yet complex bond of love. The story is about the handsome but selfish and powerful businessman from Shimla, Anshuman (Iqbal Khan) and pretty but simple and good natured tourist guide from Chittor, Paakhi (Shraadha Arya). The two were married in their childhood; while Paakhi is waiting for Anshuman to acknowledge the relationship, Anshuman on the other hand is unaware of the relationship. As circumstances force Anshuman to go to Paakhi, will destiny play its part and get them closer? Or will Anshuman and Paakhi walk their separate ways, away from each other?
      Commenting on the launch, Ajit Thakur, General Manager, Life OK, says,” We at Life OK believe in introducing and building characters that every individual can relate to. We believe in every day heroes standing against the tide, battling situations on the basis of resilient values. The show is inspired from Sarat Chandra’s renowned novel Navvidhan, and we are going to bring it alive in the viewer’s drawing room. With Tumhari Paakhi, we are innovating and venturing into a whole new genre of general entertainment, book inspired fiction

    • cam
      January 03, 16:41

      yes also

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 16:45

      Thank you do much dear Lucy Lu 🙂 . .
      ( Cam won’t say you know , I know it’s the purple Makha that has her that colour , but she is claiming it’s the light 😀 )
      Btw , how is your headache and those eyes 😐 have they closed down a bit ?

    • cam
      January 03, 16:45

      hey lucy dear, nice to c u
      thxs for the rescue (yes true she was asking a lot but hey sshhhh)

    • Aaliyah
      January 03, 16:49

      fine, had a lot of rest 2day
      slept slept slept 😛

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 16:52

      It finally caught up with you . . The sleep that you’ve been running from . .
      I’m glad that those eyes are better now . .
      You can go back to eating the cucumbers instead 🙂

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 04, 16:11

      Hi Aaliyah, nice to see you again
      how was your flight,

  9. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 03, 16:37 Reply

    Hey TP , fan 🙂 . .
    B4 , I confuse you about my identity , when you get here . . I shall identify myself in this way . .
    I once gave you my hallucination causing gv , so that you could zap your husband’s memory about keeping him in the basement freezer 😀 😀 . . .

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 04, 16:10

      hey arita :P, thanks for letting me know
      i saw soooooo many comments i started from the bottom
      nice point of view

  10. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 03, 16:31 Reply

    Cam , I’ve heard those lines in reality you know 😐
    That he doesn’t think that he can make her happy , that she would be better off being away from him . .
    What wrong with Anshuman ,?? Why is he hating on himself in that way ?? . . . .

    • cam
      January 03, 16:34

      okay 😀

    • cam
      January 03, 16:43

      I dont know I mean if you analise his caracter
      he is arrogant ok but I think that he never really loved his first wife, otherwise he wont behave like this with pakhi, everything seems new for him even putting the vermillion on her

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 16:47

      He is afraid that he can never be good enough for her . .
      That he will destroy her innocence with his worldliness and arrogance perhaps . . .

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 04, 16:08

      anshu sees that pakhi is a gold heart woman
      and such person you dont find them they are rear, seldom you will find such a nice person anshuman you are in a world of “glitter and glamour” only live for his image and for once in your live you encounter a woman who helps you be in touch with yourself
      I guess that scares the shit out of him, his previous wife was also silicone woman just plastic not real
      and now he has a woman who learns him that even a touch says something about the person

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 04, 17:11

      He’s afraid of having such a delicate type love . . And like you say a genuine human being for a change . . Silly though 😐 . .you would expect a guy to welcome that type of love . . :-\
      But Pakhi is capable of having tender love and also of being quite tough and ready to face her challenges . . But poor dear , that Ayaan is breaking her heart 🙁

  11. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 03, 16:24 Reply

    So he divorced Pakhi , then married another .
    But where is Ayaan’s mom ?
    Did she ditch them or did she die ?

    • cam
      January 03, 16:29

      Wait m lying on my back with this tupid thing and my nails dont allow me typu
      Correcly i.l switch with my laptop

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 16:33

      Maybe it’s the bad lighting you got there , that’s why you’re not typing properly 😀 . .
      Where on earth did you get a purple light 😛 ??

    • cam
      January 03, 16:34

      hahahahaha….I had a makha 😀

    • cam
      January 03, 16:36

      no the bastard didn’t divorce her yet
      he had this thing …..his name is at stake

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 04, 16:00

      your way of speak, I think you are nathy
      and if not, it’s a compliment for you cam 😉

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 04, 16:01

      mr. Rana and Siddiqui are the same

  12. cam
    January 03, 16:19 Reply

    Omg thats stupid. M on gd
    And in the meantime

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 16:22

      So Cam , you mean Pakhi is his Mexican T Shirt 🙁 . .
      He just accepted her as an unwanted gift , that was thrown at him , that he had to make use of because it was gifted to him ? 🙁

    • cam
      January 03, 16:26

      Yep, thats why I hope they alow pakhi to remain this strong
      Woman so she go again to her village in order for ayan and anshu
      Goes and beg her to come back

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 03, 16:29

      Yeah , ’cause Ayasn is only a kid . .his hatred for Pakhi was forced upon him . .
      He was manipulated .. When he recognises his mistake . . He will have remorse . .
      He will realise what he drove away . .

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 04, 15:44

      HHMMM I dont follow this part, what about a shirt?
      did I miss something ?

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 04, 15:49

      phoenix thats right, and if he is smart, he will recall that it was the matron, who started talking about boarding school, unfortunately anshuman replied positive on what he heard matron was saying.
      but i must say he ayan plays this role very convincing
      he is not even naughty anymore he is shrewd

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 04, 17:06

      Yeah 🙂 . .
      Cam had said that Anshuman had gone to the village and returned with Pakhi like a Mexican T shirt . . She said this on the GD forum though 🙂 . .
      We were without a home while the comments were closed off 🙂 .

  13. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 03, 16:18 Reply

    Yep Anshuman , you wished it , you got it . .
    Why is it so difficult now for you to accept it ??
    You want her out of your life , now you have reason . .

    • cam
      January 03, 16:27

      He is now in love thats why girizh said he sees
      A human side of anshu
      Be sees his own heart tru pakhi

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 04, 15:42

      yes dear but he wanted her like he said out not in jail
      he was really shocked, just loved it when he said you know who I am.
      yes seen that many times, in court it doesn’t matter who you are, the case is very delicate cause there is a kid involved, 🙁

  14. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 03, 16:14 Reply

    Hmmm , Anshuman’s conversation with Mr Rana is very interesting . . 😐

    • cam
      January 03, 16:23

      Yes, huh, he is in love with pakhi, so i’m liming him again
      Although I love his voice 😀

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 04, 15:37

      yes, I guess this will be the turning point in which anshu
      will see or recognize that he loves pakhi more than he expected, and for the sake of pakhi will say to go her village, but she wont do it cause this means she has to lie to the judge, and that she will never do, the truth shall come up,

    • cam
      January 03, 16:21

      Cause the dog pee beside his bed
      He married again and got ayan with his sec wife

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 04, 15:32

      correct me if I’m wrong but cam are you nathy?

      cam is right phoenix anshuman did get married to someone else and out of that marriage came ayan.
      his mom died and he is now 7yrs.
      but a I guess anshuman forgot he even was married pakhi back then

  15. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 03, 16:09 Reply

    Cam !!! You can comment now . .
    Admin was kind enough to turn the comments on 🙂

  16. neeti
    January 03, 11:21 Reply

    they have modified the original script so much… 🙁

    • Noor
      January 03, 11:30

      why wats the origional script say?

    • TP...fan ;-)
      January 04, 15:26

      even I want to know please, share with us if you dont mind

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