Udaan 29th May 2018 Written Update

Udaan 29th May 2018 Written Update by Amena

Udaan 29th May 2018 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Pakhi coming to meet Chakor. Tejaswini says Chakor has gone to find Imli, Suraj is much worried. Pakhi says I heard about Imli, tell Suraj that sorrow will end soon, Suraj and Chakor will understand each other and support. She goes. Chakor says Imli survived the accident, she went to hospital, she got fine and went to ashram, I have to find out where she went from the ashram. Vivaan checks the car. He sees Chakor writing on the soil with the wooden stick. He recalls little Chakor and smiles. He says some people never change.

Chakor asks what. He says nothing, car got fixed, we will go. She says I will call Kasturi and ask her not to give guava to Saanvi. She checks and says I forgot my purse, what will I do now. Imli is in car dickey and smiles. Chakor and Vivaan come to ashram.

She says I feel good coming here, how did Imli’s heart not get clean after staying here. The lady asks how can I help you. Chakor asks about Imli. The lady says I don’t know. Vivaan asks her to see Imli’s picture, maybe she stayed with a different name. The lady sees Imli’s pic and recalls. Chakor says she is my younger sister, what do you know about her. The lady rings the bell and calls everyone. Chakor asks why did you get scared hearing her name. Imli says Chakor is smart to reach here, she doesn’t know I have run away from ashram with their money, and also killed the driver, the ashram people want to kill me now, I can do anything to fail them. She punctures the car tyre. She says Vivaan and Chakor, I won’t let you reach Aazaadgunj easily.
Chakor says Imli would have done wrong with you, she is my enemy also, she is threatening me, help me catch Imli, try to understand, she is dangerous, I know Imli can’t be forgiven. The lady says I can’t help you, I don’t want to get involved in legal matters, just go from here. Vivaan asks Chakor to come. Chakor says I can pay for your loss, you can keep my ring. Vivaan also gives some money. Chakor says we will send more money, keep this. Chakor keeps the money and ring near the tree. She asks Vivaan to come. The lady says I remember that dark night, I don’t want all this, you reminded me that past, please leave, don’t come again, Imli has stolen the money and killed Purohit, don’t know where she has run away.

Chakor says I told you Vivaan, Imli is alive, this ashram is a big proof, we will tell this to Suraj. Vivaan says yes, but where will we find Imli. She says I m glad to think of Suraj’s reaction. He says Suraj won’t trust us if we have no solid proof. Imli’s man hears them. Chakor says yes, we need proof, we have to find where did she stay. They see the man running. Vivaan runs after the man. Vivaan beats him. The man runs. Vivaan says Imli has sent the man to keep a watch on us. Chakor says we have to go home fast, come. She says the tyre is punctured, Imli has done this. He says I will call someone for help, my phone isn’t here, I think that man has stolen it. Imli looks on and smiles. The man says I got Vivaan’s phone. Imli says Chakor didn’t reach home, what will Suraj think about her. She laughs.

Chakor tries to get lift. Vivaan pulls her back and asks will you lose your life to get lift. She says Suraj would be waiting, its time to put Saanvi to sleep. He asks won’t we go home if we don’t get a lift. She says we need a lift. She steps on banana peel and falls. He jokes and laughs. She says we shall find a phone booth and call Suraj, I didn’t see Suraj since morning, I m worried, I don’t know what to do. She sees sports association board. She says its my marathon training camp. Vivaan says I remember you stayed here. She says yes, you remember Tina, she used to play tricks to make me lose. He says I saved you by making a heroic entry. She says Tina was jealous of me and tried to defeat me. She reminds him the coach, how Tina agreed to marry Suraj. Vivaan says that was our time, you didn’t care for Suraj. She says yes, now I feel its just Suraj for me, my world starts and ends on Suraj. He says yes, when I see you two together, I feel Suraj and Chakor are made for each other. She smiles.

Chakor says Imli told me that you met with an accident and slipped in coma. Vivaan says Imli has lied. Chakor asks how can Suraj go Lucknow, I will go and get him. Imli swears to make them cry..

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