Why Aahat season 6 is the SCARIEST of all

For a long time, Sony Entertainment Television’s flagship horror show Aahat (Fireworks Productions), has been a clutter breaker. And in its latest season 6, it’s a spooky spectacle. It promises to be scarier, spookier and creepier than its predecessors. As the show rolls out its bi-weekly episodes, we tell you why it’s the scariest of them all…read on:

Toddler Horror

The cult series is being marketed as the one with children protagonists. What’s creepier than a 5-year-old wrecking havoc with your life? After all, most horror movies have kids as the ‘shock’ element that helps take the story further. Even the very first episode had a child being haunted by a mother spirit who wouldn’t leave the family due to her love for the child. Even though the premise is something we have seen a million times before, the treatment was different and interesting.

Horror…Real Horror

Horror on television earlier meant more Ramsay Brother-esque than a genuinely scary freak fest. But Aahat, on the other hand, has gone beyond the shrills and thrills of B-grade flicks. That’s one of the reasons the show looks more polished, elegant and classy. Without the unintentional humour, the scare level has definitely gone up! We are so relieved that the show doesn’t make us giggle over situations, but genuinely scares us instead. Now that’s an achievement for sure…what say?

More Than The Usual White Saree

We have grown up on a diet of white saree-clad women who haunt us with their wind-swept hair and slow moving anklets. But that was definitely starting to irritate us as who likes to watch the same thing again and again? Fret not though…because this season has more than just the ‘saree’ concept as it’s more to do with real chills than a ‘sunsaan haveli and andheri raat’ plot line. When you don’t have stereotypical characters that we have seen before, the show automatically becomes a lot scarier and spookier, right? We hope that they continue to roll out good episodes and not resort to stuff from their older reasons…

Better Make-Up and Production Value:

Gone are the days of coloured lenses and comic hairdos, as now is the age of creating a thriller, minus all the make-up disasters of the 90’s. This definitely works in the favour of the show as one gets to see an edgy thriller on their small screens. Once our horror fix is taken care of, we would come back to the show for more and more thrill. Aahat has definitely understood the pulse of the audiences as it’s become classier and more western in its approach. Even the production value has shot up because everybody knows that creeping doors and hollow noises don’t make for a horror show. The episode has to be packaged in such a way that it stirs us up emotionally. So far, the current season has delivered on it…let’s see what happens in the future!

Did you watch the latest season? Did you like it? Were you scared out of your minds? Do let us know your experience in the comment section below…

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