Tumhari Pakhi 19th December 2013 Written Update

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Tumhari Pakhi 19th December 2013 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Tumhari Pakhi 19th December 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Pakhi talking to herself seeing in the mirror applying sindoor. She wishes and thanks the Lord. Anshuman calls Lavanya and says Pakhi does not want a child, she only wants me to fill her maang by sindoor daily in the morning, she is an emotional fool, so just chill. Pakhi comes to know that Ayaan is coming. She is excited and says I would have done anything if I knew i before. Maa ji says we have done all the arrangements for him. Pakhi says are we going to take him. Anshuman says I m busy, the driver will go and bring him. Pakhi says your son is coming after so many days, and you are not going. Maa ji says Ayaan will react if he sees Pakhi there. Anshuman says she is right, you don’t go, he won’t know you, he will not react well if he sees you suddenly.

She says I know. He says we have to be careful, we can’t tell him that you are his new mum, we will tell him at the right time. Pakhi says don’t worry, I will tell him at the right time. She says you see how I become friends as I gel up with kids easily. Lavanya talks to Girish saying Ayaan is coming today. Girish says its good. She says Pakhi will force herself on him. Girish says maybe she can really love Ayaan like a mum and he can change. Lavanya says she can’t, she just can’t accept anyone else’s child.

Bua hears this and Girish looks at Naina. Lavanya gives her opinion about relations and children. Bua comes to Girish with Naina and says I told you that it won’t happen. She says she will never accept Naina, never. Girish gets upset. Pakhi is excited to see Ayaan and goes to bring Ayaan. She says when Anshuman comes to know that I went to bring Ayaan after he said no, he will be angry but I will manage, I m eager to see Ayaan, how will he be.

Ayaan’s intro scene comes……… Ayaan says always the driver comes to take me. Pakhi thinks what will Ayaan like in food. She says he will be happy by the food I kept. Ayaan sees his car and the driver tells Pakhi that we reached. Ayaan sees Pakhi and his friends ask who is she. Ayaan says maybe governess. Pakhi asks someone where is Ayaan. She says I m his mum. She says I m Anshuman’s first wife, they get confused asking Ayaan’s mum was his first wife right. Pakhi says you are right, I m his second wife. Pakhi is happy to see Ayaan.

She talks to him and says won’t you ask who am I. He says I know. She says how do you know. He says because I m smart. She says you are very cute too. She asks are you hungry. He says yes, but my hands are dirty. She says I will make you eat. Ayaan thinks of doing something to make Pakhi run away. He sits in the car and says my video game, its there. Pakhi says I will bring it. She gets down the car. Ayaan asks the driver to start driving. They leave Pakhi and she runs after the car shouting Ayaan, stop.

Ayaan laughs and says it will be fun. Anshuman comes to know that Pakhi went to take Ayaan. Maa ji informs him. Anshuman gets angry and says I should have kicked her out of the house before Ayaan came. Ayaan scolds the driver and asks for his phone. He removes the sim card and gives his phone back. He asks him to stop the car as he wants to do susu. The driver stops the car. Ayaan scolds him and asks him to go away. The driver says I will be fired as I left Madam there. Ayaan throws his belongings and also the money.

The driver sees Ayaan is gone and gets tensed. He shouts where did you go. He tries to find him. He sees his phone does not have the sim card and how to inform everyone. Lavanya asks Anshuman how could Pakhi go to take Ayaan. She says what would Pakhi tell Ayaan, that she is his new mum. Anshuman says what to do now. Lavanya says its three hours, don’t know where she took him. Lavanya says maybe she wants to win us by winning Ayaan. Ayaan comes home crying. Anshuman and everyone are shocked to see him crying and in bad state.

Ayaan hugs Lavanya and says Pakhi has beaten him up. He says she is very bad. Anshuman says so she has done all this. Ayaan says she did this. Anshuman sahys she can’t do this. He says stop lying.
Anshuman and Ayaan have an argument. Pakhi comes home and is shocked to see Ayaan in that state. Ayaan says she has beaten me and tore my clothes. He lies a lot. Pakhi says Ayaan………… Anshuman says Ayaan tell the truth, she can’t do this, its your mistake.

Ayaan says its your mistake to bring a governess. He says don’t you trust your son. Anshuman says yes, I don’t. Ayaan says so you trust this governess. Anshuman says yes because she is your mum. Ayaan is shocked. Ayaan gets annoyed and leaves. Lavanya stops Pakhi from going to Ayaan. She asks Maa ji to go to Ayaan. Lavanya taunts Pakhi.

Anshuman says I did not want Ayaan to know about this marriage this way. Lavanya scolds Pakhi. Pakhi says I thought………. Anshuman says I will talk to Ayaan. Lavanya says no need. Ayaan brings a bouquet for Pakhi and gives her saying welcome and Girish smiles. Pakhi says thanks you. He says I did not know you are my mum. He says come with me and says stand with my dad. He tells Anshuman that she looks good but is typical indian type, I don’t think she is your choice. He says you like hot chicks like Tanya. Lavanya takes him with her. Ayaan stops and tells Pakhi he won’t do it again. Pakhi smiles. Ayaan leaves. Pakhi thinks about Ayaan’s words.

Pakhi sees Ayaan starting the car and is worried. Ayaan starts driving and she runs after him.

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  1. smita
    December 20, 02:58 Reply

    I love the kid!
    Astute child- but then I have seen street children be this way- very mature and worldly wise, totally strong and able to take care of themselves.
    Endearing trait of children having suffered with survival issues- and Ayan lost his mom rather young- he is only seven?

    • TP...fan ;-)
      December 20, 07:26

      hallo smita,nice to meet you, I comment cause I like to know how people think about certain things and here it’s only Aaliyah and nathy who give ther thoughts

      But what you said I’m ….thinking……thinking..

      okay, its true he lost his mom rather young and is indeed only 7, but I think that anshu forgot him along the way in his mourning
      otherwise he could not talk that way to his father

      and for the street children..for them I for 100% can comprehend why they act that way…they are in the SURVIVING mode…but this one ayaan needed only attention
      of his dad. so in order to have discipline and to become a stronger boy that dad to give him more attention. than I don’t think he would have been this naughty, merely my thoughts 😀

      but hey I’m just a mom who also try her best with her kids, but do know that attention and time are fundamental for the upbringing of kids. and those two you can spend them only once

    • Sivsu
      December 20, 10:59

      Oh! Good to see your views Smita and also that of TP…fan. I agree with you guys. Anshuman must have given priority to his business, status and expansion instead of Ayaan. Even Lavanya could have looked after Ayaan. Like its said he lost his mom three years back; had Lavanya tried she could’ve been very close to Ayaan. Maybe Pakhi and Ayaan ( HE IS THE ANSH OF PV 1 ) will become inseparable. Nice to meet you guys. Take care bye.

  2. Noor
    December 19, 15:02 Reply

    Yay the holiday finaly came

  3. anonymous
    December 19, 14:53 Reply

    pakhi is in for a run with this kid. he apologized nicely but hes up to mischief for sure. maybe ayaan will bring anshuman and pakhi closer.

    • Aaliyah
      December 20, 02:18

      I do think the same, especially when he say that she is a typical indian and not a hot girl like the father likes.
      🙁 gggrrrrrrrrrrrr
      my hands were itching to give him a ….

  4. Noor
    December 19, 12:51 Reply

    This kid is getting on my nerves already

  5. Aaliyah
    December 19, 12:47 Reply

    Ayaan his father know that he loves to lie

    was also good to see that he certainly knew and assented Pakhi would NEVER do what he just said .. 1 point for you anshu 😉

    • TP...fan ;-)
      December 19, 17:32

      hi Aaliyah…imagine that Anshuman took side of his son , knowing that the boy often lie 🙁 . that definitely would not be in favor of Pakhi

    • Aaliyah
      December 20, 02:28

      Hi tp, 😀 yes it’s true,
      but the way he was talking to his dad
      with that pointing finger… 🙁

  6. Aaliyah
    December 19, 12:45 Reply

    just to say that someone has beaten you up 🙁 that is very naughty, you, I would have given you an instant twist to your ears

    • TP...fan ;-)
      December 19, 17:36

      and don’t forget a spanking…so he won’t do it again
      and Lavanya also might get something because she is irritating…..as if she knows anshuman better…this soft anshu she don’t know it’s the harsh business man she knows

    • Aaliyah
      December 20, 02:44

      yes ..yes.. 😀 lavanya is piece of work. she has this caring husband, but is too occupied with her brother to notice i guess.

      no i dont think she knows him, she is also a business woman and unlikely they see the person behind the label mark.

  7. Aaliyah
    December 19, 12:40 Reply

    Ayaan seems a bit naughty, he gave her flowers but is it sincere?

  8. Aaliyah
    December 19, 12:40 Reply

    why do people never tell the truth from the beginning?

    • TP...fan ;-)
      December 19, 17:37

      fear, my dear!!
      of losing face….
      of losing their ego 🙁

    • Aaliyah
      December 20, 02:30

      you can tell that he is already falling in love with her
      he said he hates her but thats not the case, he just doesn’t know these feelings and is afraid.. I mean the way he react by her touch…I wonder how his marriage was with the “sec” wife??

  9. Aaliyah
    December 19, 12:37 Reply

    Amena as always thank you for the WU 😀

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