Udaan 15th August 2016 Written Update

Udaan 15th August 2016 Written Update by Amena

Udaan 15th August 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Ragini talking to Chakor. Chakor is sad and recalls Vivaan’s words. Ragini tells her dream of raising flag over the haveli terrace. She smiles and thinks Chakor will not sit quiet, she will do this. She leaves. Chakor thinks raising freedom flag will give encouragement to villagers, she should celebrate independence day. She goes to talk to Suraj. Suraj says I don’t know how will you manage, but I won’t give any money. She says I will go three events for you. He asks her to do four events. He asks what did you think of raising flag. She says I think haveli is the best place.

Tejaswini says its impossible, Bhaiya ji never did this, you celebrate it in open place. Ragini thinks my plan will flop, how to convince Tejaswini. She says mummy is right, we will celebrate in village.
Tejaswini says this is my haveli, we will celebrate this function here. Ragini gets glad. Tejaswini tells Suraj that he has to do Bhaiya ji’s soul peace puja tomorrow. He agrees.

Ragini falls someone and says yes, our plan started, I have diverted Tejaswini, we will celebrate in haveli, we have to think how to get items in haveli. Chakor comes and did not hear anything. Chakor says we will celebrate freedom tomorrow. Ragini thinks everyone will get independence tomorrow, We all will freed of you people.

Its morning, Chagan welcomes everyone in the independence day celebrations. They raise the flag. Chakor says we can accept this freedom again, don’t think of tomorrow. Chagan says I have all the news of today’s program. He tells them event details. Everyone clap. Chagan says we will raise flag now. Bhuvan asks who will raise flag. Tejaswini says Suraj will do it, he is the owner. Bhuvan says we want someone from our village to raise the flag. Ragini says let Chakor do this, she is of village and haveli too. Kishor says we all will leave if Chakor does the flag raising. Chakor says don’t go, Ragini said right, that haveli and village person should do this, I think Vivaan and Imli should do this. Villagers agree for this.

Chakor thinks Vivaan raises flag or she does, its one and the same, Vivaan had made Aazaadgunj free. Vivaan and Imli raise the flag. Chakor sings the national anthem, Jana gana mana…… everyone look at the flag. Chakor thinks this is first time the flag is raised here, they can hate me, but I m glad they got happy because of me. Ragini goes and calls someone. She says independence day event is ending, are you ready to get the items inside haveli. She smiles. Chagan says food will be served in 5mins.

Chagan tells Imli that he is glad to see her happy. Suraj looks on. She says I got a good person like Vivaan, I feel like a dream, I m sure Vivaan, my baby and I will be happy. Suraj gets angry. Ragini comes and tells Chagan that she is very happy to see these celebrations. The kids play. Everyone smile. Ragini calls someone and says we have to start operation now to give them real freedom.

Vivaan gets a call. Goon tells him to return Bhaiya ji’s property and cash, and threatens to kill everyone by the bomb planted in the haveli. Vivaan gets shocked. The goon asks him not to tell anyone, else people will try to run away madly, no one knows where we have fixed the bomb, don’t try to find us, maybe we are infront of you. The goon gives him 2 mins time to think.

Chakor comes and tells Vivaan that Imli is finding him. She asks what happened. He says nothing. She says we are still friends and can support each other in tough time. He says someone called me and said he has planted bomb in haveli, he will explode that if we do not give him money, what shall we do. She gets shocked and says bomb can be anywhere, if we could not find it before time then… he says we have to find it very soon. She says I have seen their happiness after long time, I can’t give them tension. The goon calls Vivaan and says I have started bomb timer, send money to my account, you have 10 mins, after I receive money, I will defuse the bomb.

Vivaan tells Chakor that we have to transfer money in 10mins. Chakor says if bomb explodes after money transfer then… He says we have to take this risk. Ragini aims gun at the goon. Goon says I did what you said, now give me money. She says I would have let you go if you did not see my face. She shoots him. Chakor says one bomb can’t kill everyone, if they are not at one place, I will make villagers leave. Vivaan says no, the goon can place more bombs, we have to find bomb, we have to take help. They say Imli can’t help, her state is not good, we can take Ragini, where is she. Ragini is on the way. Vivaan says we don’t have time, come. They rush.

Ragini comes to haveli and tells something to Chagan. Chagan tells them about some surprise. The kids sit watching a huge tv. Chagan says we will see independence movie. Ragini thinks I came on right time.

Chakor and Vivaan look for the bomb. Ragini calls someone and says yes, we will get money, I can’t talk now. She ends call. She says Vivaan did not transfer money, all of them will die because of Vivaan. Chagan asks kids not to trouble him. Chakor says bomb is not inside haveli, there is no such place, but bomb will come in anything that came from outside. She thinks bomb is inside this tv, I can’t help them, what shall I do now.

Chakor sees the bomb and gets it. Ragini says Chakor has found the bomb, great. Ragini says I won’t let Chakor take bomb outside the haveli. Bhaiya ji is shown.

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