Arjun 15th June 2013 Written Update

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Arjun 15th June 2013 Written Update by Carrie

Arjun 15th June 2013 Written Episode

Episode begins with a housewife Aarti busy cooking in the kitchen.Her mother in law comes there & demands if the Rs 5 lakhs she had told her to ask her father has been given or not.Aarti replies that the money has been transferred to her account by her father.The old lady yells for her to go get it from the bank as she has to give to the in laws of her own daughter at the engagement ceremony that evening & Aarti leaves.Her sister in law Madhu sees this & fights with her mother that why should her bhabhi put together the dowry that was asked for her.Her mother shuts her up.All this is noticed by the other son of the house & he is smiling evilly.

Two days later. A photographer notices Aarti’s dead body in the forest.She has been murdered by strangulation.ETF arrives & Arjun thoroughly examines the body.Her purse is empty & all her jewelry is missing.Rathore declares it to be a case of mugging & murder.Arjun disagrees.Her cellphone is still in the purse & her jewelry has been carefully removed like by some person known to her.Arjun says its a cold blooded murder.He orders Aysha to check if any body reported a woman missing.

Aarti’s father & in laws at the ETF office.Aarti’s father identifies the body & breaks down.Madhu blames herself for the death.Her mother looks alarmed & tries to salvage the situation by saying that Madhu means that Aarti was sent to the bank to withdraw money for minor expenses of her engagement.

Arjun & Rathore at the bank viewing the CCTV footage of Aarti withdrawing money.She is seen placing huge bundles of cash in her bag & walks out of the bank which surprises Arjun.He asks the bank manager about the amount & is told that Rs 5 lakhs has been withdrawn.Arjun wonders how come a housewife has so much money.The manager says it was transfered just the day before.

Arjun & ETF go to Aarti’s house & confront her in laws.The in laws say it wasn’t dowry but just financial help.They were going to pay her back.All of ETF is disgusted with the family.But aarti’s father denies giving Rs 5 lakhs.ETF is thoroughly shocked.He says this is the first time he is hearing about any demand for money.Rathore receives a call on his mobile & he moves aside to answer it.Arjun informs everyone that they are not to leave the city.Rathore comes back & hauls off the younger son of the house to the ETF office.

He is thoroughly grilled by Arjun & Rathore.An SMS sent by him to Aarti has surfaced in which he is demanding Rs 50,000 to keep her secret quiet. He reveals that he had come to know that Aarti owns a flat in the city of which she has not told her in laws.He has asked her for 50,000 but did not kill her.Rathore & Arjun move out of the room to discuss.Rathore says they have found the killer as he is the only one with a motive & does not have an alibi.Arjun thinks other wise.

Arjun & Aisha reach the estate agent’s office & question him.He says Aarti had a flat which she had rented out.They were looking for a new tenant & Aarti wanted it to happen fast as she needed Rs 5 lakh to give her in laws.

He asks for any info from the Toll booth CCTV footage but Shree says he didnt find anything in it.But what he found was the Aarti’s husband was having an affair with his secretary & was lavishly spending on her.Arjun along with Aisha go to confront him.

The husband is with his girlfriend & looks worried.The girlfriend pacifies him saying She is dead.Arjun storms in there & accuses both of conspiring to kill Aarti so they could get married.Both deny & have alibi’s for the murder.Arjun warns them & leaves.

Arjun has a chat with Aarti’s father.He says his daughter was always being harassed for money but for the past year things had been okay with her & she had not complained to him.Even the Rs 5 lakhs he has come to know only now.There is emotional scene here with the father grieving for his dead child.Arjun looks on sadly.

At the ETF office Arjun again demands Shree for any progress on the toll booth CCTV footage & again Shree says there is nothing on it.But Arjun drags Shree with him to his office & both view the footages all night.Shree is dead tired & keeps falling asleep.Arjun scolds him.Its already morning when Arjun zeroes in on a red maruti car following Aarti. He orders Shree to check for the number plates & find out who the car belongs to.

The team has assembled in the ETF office.Arjun informs them of the red car.A bedraggled Shree enters & informs them that the number plates are fake.Aisha wonders how to locate the car.Sakshi quips that it shouldn’t be difficult to locate an old maruti red car as not many people possess such cars anymore.Arjun praises Sakshi for her observation & orders Chotu & Shree to look for the car.

Finally after much running around the car & the owner are located.The owner says he had loaned the car to his friend.

Arjun & Chotu barge into the friend Prasad s house.Chotu slaps him & discovers the missing money in his room.Arjun extracts a confession from him.He then calls Sakshi & asks her for a favour.The confession & the favour are not shown at this point.

All are assembled at the Tiwari house.Arjun berates them for being a family of liars, black mailers,cheaters.He then turns towards Madhu adds,”Murderers”.Everyone is shell shocked.He points towards Madhu & says I
know you are the murderer.Rathore shows the picture of Prasad to Madhu’s mother & she is shocked.Its the picture of Madhu’s boyfriend & the old lady knew about the affair & had warned her daughter to stay away from him.Madhu is shocked & says she has an alibi that she was at the beauty parlour.Sakshi steps in & says she enquired with the stylist & she confessed that MAdhu wasn’t there.Madhu was their customer so she usually made the excuse of going to the beauty parlour to meet Prasad & the stylist would lie that she was at the parlour if her family called to check.

Madhu breaks down & confesses of picking up Aarti from the bank in a car, feeding her sweets laced with narcotics after which she faints & Madhu strangles her & throws her into the forest after taking her money & her jewelry.She wanted to frame her own brother for murder & so she sent that blackmail SMS from his phone & left the phone in the purse for the police to find.She also told the police about the dowry harassment just so her mom & older brother also go to jail.With everyone out of the way she & her lover could get hold of Aarti’s flat & money & live happily ever after.Ayesha is asked to arrest her but Madhu tries to kill herself by stabbing but Aisha saves her & hauls her off to jail.The others are also arrested.ETF walks out.Arjun glances at the grieving father & he too walks out.Case closed.

Precap: An actress is murdered & Arjun & ETF questioning people around her.Seems the murder happened right under ETF noses.

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  1. MKR
    June 16, 03:48 Reply

    the episode is nice…
    every week i am watching this show..
    thanks for this show..
    a very special thanks to the written updater for updateing weekly…
    thank friends and
    have a nice day…
    take care..

  2. riya patel
    June 15, 14:48 Reply

    Thanks for the wu & keep it up….!!! :-):-):-)

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