Mahabharat 29th April 2014 Written Update

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Mahabharat 29th April 2014 Written Update by Tanaya

Mahabharat 29th April 2014 Written Episode

The episode behins with duryodhan n dushasan n mamashri standing at place frm where they see balram n Krishna duryodhan asks y r we here mamashri says balram accepts u as his favorite student n we will take advantage of this we know krishna will never go against balram we will take the advantage of situation of subhadras marriage which insulted balram n bring him on our side n then pandavas will definitely loose .balram reaches near mamashri he says duryodhan the whole world is talking abt u but I would be happy if it was for good reason, mamashri says we r here to seek knowledge abt efforts krishna says efforts are done n not aquired but while this lot of soldiers come and surround them mamashri says krishna we are here to begin the path of friendship n not war . Krishna says dont worry this is jst a game a child is playing with this chakravyu he his learning to break it mamashri says a kid krishna says yes a child who is noneother than arjuns n subhadras son abhimanyu. Abhimanyu breaks the chakrayvu very easily n takes blessings from balram n krishna . Krishna says this is not good abhimanyu u scared our guest, abhimanyu says guest dosent get scared but enemy does dushasan says this chakrayvu 3ven duryodhan could break get out of it n then we will het scared abhimanyu says that my father will teach me but who will teach duryodhan . Duryodhan says doesn’t ur father has a strong soldier to assit him that u have to learn this abhimanyu says I have learnt this from my mother womb .krishna asks abhimanyu to leave balram asks duryodhan to have a fight of gadha with him as a game. The game begins n duryodhan starts lossing every game.mamashri says krishna this fight but doesn’t look like a game but looks like balram is purposely hitting duryodhan whih is not fair in game .krishna says wat to do balram taught him gadha yudh but wat duryodhan preferd wad dice game n so it looks like he is punishing him for it . mamashri says that game finished 13 yrs back. Krishna says no it started 13 yrs back n now has come the time of its end. N now its pandavas time.

Here abhimanyu is practising archery while he sees his father arjun, they both proceed towards each other arjun is in tears. ……

Balram informs arjun that krishna n any of his soldier will now not fight from pandavas side….

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  1. Arshi
    April 29, 18:35 Reply

    Bt why they won’t help themmm…

    • kat
      April 30, 01:30

      I guess krishna and balram wants the pandavs to win the battle on their own. 🙂

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