Shakti 6th September 2018 Written Update

Shakti 6th September 2018 Written Update by Sona

Shakti 6th September 2018 Written Episode

Harman sat thoughtful. Mr. and Mrs. Kaushal brings Suomya and speaks to both of them. He says it’s important that they do some work now and earn for their living. He appoints Harman for cleaning of lobby and corridor. Suomya was to supervise if patients were being given proper care. Harman thinks he has to run away from here, he can’t live here like prisoners. He decides not to leave alone and take Suomya as well.
Suomya was praying in front of temple for God’s grace. Harman comes to interfere and says they must have some family left behind, he can’t stay here for cleanings. He suggests Suomya to run away from here and find their parents. Suomya says his Gulabo is here. Harman thinks for a while, then says even Gulabo doesn’t tell him about his name or family. Once he finds his family,

he will take Gulabo as well.
Harak Singh stood in the temple of his house. He says he is strong but the conditions of his house are worsening. Harman is away, Preeto has gone crazy, he can’t bear anymore pains and might break now. Shanno hears this pray and smirks murmuring that she feels pity for him, he must now die soon to make their job easier.
Suomya supervises the hospital operations. The nurse with doctor Gulati (who revealed about Suomya) thinks he can’t let this kinner flourish here. Harman comes to Suomya cleaning and confirms her plan of running away. Suomya tells him to go, why take her. A Pandit brings aarti to them and blesses both to always be with one another. After the Pandit has left, Suomya takes Harman to doctor and complains that Harman wish to run away from the hospital, he doesn’t want to get old and die in this hospital. Harman negates her words. He questions Mr. Kaushal why he would leave this place, he got work and place to live and even his Gulabo is here. Mr. Kaushal sends Harman to clean the floor of ICU. When Harman has left, Suomya complains to Mr. Kaushal that he lies too much. Mr. Kaushal allows Suomya to call them uncle and aunty now. Suomya goes to get the bed sheets changed.
Malika and Chambeli sat in the corner of a street upset about not getting any news from Harman and Suomya. Chambeli assures Malika that Suomya will soon call them.
Harman scolds a passerby for ruining his cleaning. Lameet notices him and thinks he is short tempered, maybe he had some relationship issues back at home as well. She comes to him. Harman asks for her number. She says she wants Harman to recall everything first, then she will tell him further. She asks if he remember how he used to make her mood up when she was annoyed. Harman holds her arm and wish to be her slave. Lameet was hurt and resists his grip calling his idea as stupid. Suomya interferes and gets his grip loosen. She calls him crazy. Harman asks who she to interfere is. He loves Gulabo and does anything by his own will. Suomya asks what kind of love is this. Harman says its true love, like the one Suomya has never done. Suomya says someone who loves her will surely come. Harman asks from where? She has been here for so many days now. Mr. and Mrs. Kaushal come to forbid Harman speak like this and hurt anyone. Mr. Kaushal sends Lameet away. Suomya was upset and walks away as well.
Suomya was upset about Harman’s words. Mr. Kaushal comes to console her. Suomya cries that if someone really loves her they must have come looking for her. She wonders if someone really loves her. Mrs. Kaushal says she is a kinner, she must never have got love. Mr. Kaushal says God sent her here so that they can fill the vacant space in her life.
Harman was cleaning across the corridor. A doctor was telling a patient about a medicine that works as painkiller, it will let patient’s mind sleep while he is conscious. Harman deliberately pushes the man so that the bag fell off. He collects the medicines in the bag but hide that pain killer. He decides to give it to Suomya by any means. He will not leave alone, will surely take Suomya along.

PRECAP: Harman was successful in giving the medicine to Suomya. She fells faint, then begins to abide by Harman. Harman orders her to stand up, walk and get into an auto.

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